Thursday 30 November 2017

How much would I have to spend to profitably mine bitcoin?

Currently (Nov. 28th 2017.) annual net earnings just with one Antminer s9 in Serbia is 8.986 USD.

As an investor or small/middle size miner you should consider: the price of bitcoin, investment for mining equipment and the price of electricity.

Superb mining equipment are ASIC processors specially made for bitcoin and alternative (all other) coins mining.

Currently (Nov. 2017.) for mining the bitcoin the best ASIK processor in the world is Antminer s9. It cost from $1.500 up to $3.500. The price varies depending on the series (each subsequent series has better performance), where it is bought (it's a big difference if you buy it directly from the manufacturer or via eBay or Amazon), shipping costs (can be from $0-200) and power supply unit cost from $105 to $200.

The cheapest electricity in Europe is in Serbia. 0,065 € (≈0,077 USD)

Source: Eurostat._YB16.png) (Eurostat is a statistical office of the European Union located in Luxembourg).

One of the essential heritage of communism that has remained in Serbia is that the price of electricity is a social category. So, in Serbia, unlike the rest of the world (perhaps in the communist countries), it is a cheaper electrical cost for domestic households than for the industry.

I decided to pinpoint exactly how much it would electricity cost if 2 Antminers s9 were mining 24/7 365 days a year. The calculation is based on Serbian Dinars. The final value is in US Dollars.

In Serbia, there are 3 zones of electricity categories depending how much of power do you consume per 30 days accounting period: green (0-350 KWh) blue (351 KWh-1.600 KWh) and red zone (more than 1.600KWh). Each zone has own price range. Each zone has night ( lower) and day ( higher) price. Night prices are calculated from 11pm-6am for each zone. Meaning, 16 hours (66,66%) during a day processor will consume higher priced and 8 hours ( 33,33%) lower priced

One Antminer s9 processor consumes 1.400W = 1,4 KW x 24h = 33,6KW / h consumed in one day.

So two processors consume 67,2 KW / h / day

Green zone is up to 350 KWh. So, 350 KWh: 67,2 KWh / per day = 5,2083 days

5,2083 days x 24h = 124,9992 h.

33,33% of 124,9992 h = 41,6622h (lower price hours) x 1,419din. (lower price of el. in the green zone) = 59,1187 din.

66,66% of 124,9992 h = 83,3244 h (higher price hours) x 5,962din. (higher price of el. in green zone) = 496,7804 din.

The blue zone is from 350 KW to 1.600KW

1.600 KW-350 KW = 1.250 KW (the amount of electricity that can be spent in the blue zone price range)

1250KW: 67,2 KWh / per day = 18,6011 days

18,6011 days x 24h = 446,4264 h.

33,33% of 446,4264 h = 148,7939 h (lower price hours) x 2,236din. (lower price of el.price in blue zone) = 332,7032 din.

66,66% of 446,4264 h = 297,5878 h (higher price hours) x 8,943din.(higher price of el.price in blue zone) = 2.661,3280 din.

Red Zone

It remains 6,2 days in the red zone

The number of days spent in the green zone is 5,2


The number of days spent in the blue zone is 18,6

23,8 days spent

Calculation period 30 days -23,8 = 6,2 days in the red zone

6,2 x 24h = 148,8h

33,33% of 148,8h = 49,5950h (lower price hours) x 4,472din. (lower price of el. coast in the red zone) = 221,7890 din.

66,66% of 148,8h = 98,208h (higher priced hours) x 17,887din. (higher price of el.cost in the red zone) = 1.756,6464 din.

…………In total: 5.528,3657 dinars( basic amount for tax calculation)…………….

Tax calculation

Note: Some tax I can't translate literary or it is to long for translation, so I have named them Fixed Tax

-Basic amount: ……………………………………......... 5.528,3657 din.

-Fixed Tax : 11,04 KW x 48,552 din.: …………...+ 536,01 din.

-Fixed Tax: …………………………………………........... + 132,76 din.

-Total: …………………………………………..........….…… 6.197,1357 din.

-5% discount on regularity of payment: .....… - 309,8567 din.

-Total: ……………………………………………….........…. 5.887,279 din.

-Tax for green energy: …………………….....……… + 187,48 din.

-Total: ……………………………………………........……. 6.074,767 din.

-Excise (7,5%): ……………………………….....……… +455,6075 din.

-Total: …………………………………………….........…… 6.530,3745 din.

-VAT (20%): ………………………………….....……… +1.306,0749 din.

-Total: …………………………………………….........…… 7.836,4494 din.

-Nacional Television Tax: ………….......…………….. 150,00 din.

……… Grand total: 7.986,4494 din. ≈79,45 $ …………………………….

The exact price KWh for a given period is only 3,9615 din. ≈ 0,039 $

Official National Bank of Serbia exchange rate for Nov. 28th, 2017.

7.986,4494 din : 2.016KWh (total el. power consumption for 30 days) = 3,9615 din. ≈$0,039 per kilowatt/hour. In this way, it is actually cheaper than the average price in China, India or UAE. I'll never complain again about el.price in my country. Worldwide electricity price by region, source:

The profitability of mining bitcoin ( and other altcoins) is calculated with the power consumption calculator. Simply, chose the coin ( in this case bitcoin) enter the hash power of processor ( in this case 14 TH) and el. coast ( in this case 0,039 USD). When you put all this data, you are making just with 1 Antminer s9 $8,986 in Serbia. Power consumption calculator. Source:

Now we can do a little investment brainstorming.

Let's say you rent 10 apartments and in each, you will put two S9s. Rent in Serbia (not in Belgrade) for a flat on less attractive location, is $ 110 (can be even less), x 10 apartments that will cost you $1.100 a month.

The Internet per month is $12 x 10 flats = $120

Electricity per month is $79,45 x 10 flats = $794,5

Since this is a serious investment and business, you need 3 people (8 hours shift) for monitoring the processors pay the bills preventing possible stilling, just to make sure everything goes smoothly. The salary per person is $300, so monthly is $900. For these three persons, you can rent an apartment from where they will monitor the processors, which is an additional $ 200 per month (maybe even less).

Monthly expenses are 3.114,5 $

2 Antminers s9 are making (with current bitcoin mining difficulty, block size and price rate) $1.477,3 x 10 flats = $14.773 per month

Month Net Profit: $11.658,5 x 12 months = $139.902 Annual Net Profit

The variable cost is purchasing price of Antminer s9. From $ 1.500 to $ 3.500 (customs, delivery charges, where do you bay). We need 20 Antminers x $3.500 = $70.000

In a year (at the current bitcoin price) the gross profit is $139.902 - $70.000 ( purchasing price for 20 Antminer s9) = Net profit: $ 69.902 in the first year.

The costs could be further reduced:

~~ If you pay in advance ( 6 months or 1 year ) rant

~~ The price of an Antminer s9 is cheaper in a larger quantity order,

~~ I am not sure but, I spouse you can have better price from internet provider for large internet packet

Why two Antminers s9? Under the law, EPS ( Serbian state electrical company) is required to provide up to 30.000KWh annually to each household. The two Antminers S9 spend 24.192KWh yearly.

…..and there is more to talk about this subject.

So, if you have someone in Serbia I wish you all the best. Call me for dinner ( at least you owe me that :)) .

Or, if you are interested in this and you don’t have contacts in Serbia, you can contact me about this project.

Stay happy,


Submitted November 30, 2017 at 04:42PM by _TETRISMANIA

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