Thursday 30 November 2017

Close to $4000 to invest. What are my options?

I've revently discovered Bitcoin and I would like to invest what I have, but mining attracts my attention. I think it's a hobby I would personally find interesting. I wouldn't mind putting in a bit of extra R&E to maximize profits from mining either.

I'm new to this, but from my basic understanding the Antminer s9 with a apw3++ power supply is the best choice for profitability. It sounds like I might could afford this set-up, where would I find the best deal for quality product? Do I go directly to the source? Should I wait for the Dragonmint reveal or is that a pipe dream?

Also is one A9 miner profitable? It would be great to get some supplemental income and gain a hobby, but profits are obviously the main goal here. I have a year before I travel to uni, if I can get a rig set up that could cover rent and bills that would be ideal. Or in all reality, is investing in btc the smarter choice?

Let me know your thoughts everyone. If you can provide links, resources, or anecdotes a it would be appreciated!

Submitted November 30, 2017 at 12:18PM by Eagleeye412

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