Sunday 2 December 2018

I'm happy to announce BETA, a simple Lightning Network Web Wallet to get micro-payments.

Hi all!Just like you, I really wanted to give Lightning Network a try since the beginning, but found it really hard. It's still pretty difficult to get a LN wallet going, and even more if you want it for mobile. You have to run a node, keep it online to receive payments, connect your mobile wallet to it (using VPN's), etc.It'll be easier in the future, sure, but it's not there yet...

Then it's also the low adoption; not many people is using it, so you can't really do much for now...

That's why I thought that maybe I could create something to speed up things a little bit, at least until we get to the point of reliable mobile LN wallets. My humble answer is :)

WHAT IS TIPPIN.ME is basically a tipping service over Lightning Network (only).

It's a service that allows you to receive tips (micro-payments) over the Lightning Network, anytime, anywhere, without needing a LN node. It's basically a Lightning Network Custodial Wallet.


Once you sign up, it gives you a personal tippin' link to be shared that contains a fresh QR Invoice with an undefined amount to be paid. If anyone sends you money to that QR Invoice, this amount will appear in your dashboard.

In my case, for example, this is the link I would share to be tipped:

You can share it to receive tips across webs, blogs, patreons, forums... using Lightning Network.

Of course, you can cash out to any Lightning Network Address anytime.

*Since it's still a beta, and cash outs are supposed to be payments to you (and not 3rd party services), they are currently limited in time, so it's not used as a wallet. But, if that's how it's used, and people want tippin to become a daily wallet, I would definitely enable it\*


If this works, my idea is to improve the concept and make it better, helping adoption. For example:

- Create buttons with predefined amounts to be paid, so you can integrate it in your web for many purposes.

- Create an api for merchants, so they can integrate this service on their webs to sell their products.

- Building a mobile App, being able to show your personal tippin code everywhere, and maybe make payments as well.


Again, it's an early beta. I've been working on it for a few days only, so It certainly contains bugs. I would really appreciate if you could use it and help me tracking them down; but since it works on mainnet, and we are talking about money, just don't put too much of it... just in case :)

I almost forgot. I'm doing it for free, with no support, and on my own servers; so if you like it, feel free to help a little bit :)

Thank you!

Submitted December 03, 2018 at 01:01AM by Eiprol

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