Monday 30 September 2019

New Zealand just became the first country to legalize salary payments in cryptocurrencies (BTC)

Submitted October 01, 2019 at 06:18AM by kskelts

the Bitcoin Astronaut

Submitted October 01, 2019 at 04:29AM by frankreddit5

Bitcoin miners hit with 300% electricity tariff increase

Submitted October 01, 2019 at 09:30AM by gravemiind

the Bitcoin Astronaut via /r/Bitcoin

New Zealand just became the first country to legalize salary payments in cryptocurrencies (BTC) via /r/Bitcoin

⛰️ Lausanne, Switzerland πŸ‘€ BITPAINT.CLUB via /r/Bitcoin

My first piece of BTC

Had my salary increase today, so invested it in my first piece of BTC.

Feels great

Submitted October 01, 2019 at 02:55AM by fullbeem

How you feel when you're a holder via /r/Bitcoin

Got my full node running

Hi,I got my full node running. Can someone please explain me how can I validate my own transactions via command line or any other way using my full node. Thanks. via /r/Bitcoin

πŸ§πŸ€” via /r/Bitcoin

When your friends tell you that you're dumb / crazy for putting any money on bitcoin, tell them to give this man 2 minutes and 11 seconds of their time.

Submitted September 30, 2019 at 04:59PM by sgtslaughterTV

Bitcoin trading at mall. Southcenter ,WA via /r/Bitcoin

So much shit is going on around the world however, Bitcoin is not moving much

During the past years I always thought I could see some correlation between a terrible thing happening in the world, which might influence the market, and the price of Bitcoin. More specifically in most cases the Bitcoin price would rise while e.g. stock prices would fall.In recent times we had or still have conflicts concerning:- Hong Kong- Iran and Strait of Hormuz, influencing oil trade which has always been a major driver of the economy- We had our fair share of Trump activity which influenced Bitcoin prices, however the recent impeachment announcement didn't seem to have much of an impact- There are messages of the population of Venezuela and the Central Bank hoarding Bitcoin however, for a population of 38 million people I would have thought this would have had a bigger impact in the price and more specifically transaction volume, as Venezuela could actually be one of the first places where it was actually used as a currency and not for HODLING.- ECB started quantitative easing again while some (the Dutch and German) Central banks are fiercely against- Last week there where messages about the US and QE or quietly printing 75 billionFinally I think adoption rate after being around for more than a decade is (at least in the Netherlands) low. People do not know how to use it, are scared of using it, or don't see the importance of using it. One of the reasons contribution to a low adaption rate in the Netherlands I think is banks seeing some of the technological improvements of Bitcoin and implementing it. Of course banks do not and cannot implement all the good stuff from Bitcoin as it is simply not compatible with the banking system, they can however implement some nice features the fiat muggles care about most. Most predominantly fast transactions and have now also introduced it e.g. Tikkie (which is an app to transmit small transactions almost instantly).While I still believe in Bitcoin and Blockchain, after all these years, and all this shit happening in the wold, if the rest of the fiat muggles still do not understand Bitcoin when will be the moment they do?Considering low adoption rate and little to no price influence of recent events I start to lose trust in the growth of Bitcoin, in the growth of the Bitcoin price and finally in seeing Bitcoin as an investment.Edit: typo via /r/Bitcoin

I have ascended to a Hodler

Let’s preface this: I have been in crypto for about 2.5-3 years now, mostly in Bitcoin. I dabbled in alts for a quick stint, lost a good amount of money, and got out.

Over the years, I have hit a couple different phases. When I first got in, I was checking the price around 3-4 times a day. As time has gone on, I find myself checking less and less.

This has gotten to the point that I just don’t really check the price at all. I remember opening Coinbase the other day to see the price drop. I just blew some air out of my nose, said “hmm”, and bought the dip.

What I’m trying to say here is that I have hit the phases of buying and selling, checking the prices hourly, but at the end of the day everyone should be it for the long run. Price could drop again and again, but it won’t really matter in 20 years.


Submitted September 30, 2019 at 09:33AM by drockaferd

Staying Humble With Bitcoin via /r/Bitcoin

When your friends tell you that you're dumb / crazy for putting any money on bitcoin, tell them to give this man 2 minutes and 11 seconds of their time. via /r/Bitcoin

Blockpass, Solidus Lab, KYC Chain...all these partnerships OAX has teamed up this year and more to go! These partnerships also make me wonder what kind of connections the blockchain projects should partner together to spread out the decentralization ecosystem. What're your thoughts on it?

Submitted September 30, 2019 at 05:04PM by emanchan1026

The thing that blows my mind about bitcoin that we should know (but not necessarily everyone else yet)

Bitcoin has dropped over 80% THREE times before this recent “crash”. Parenthesis around the “crash” because is 80% really considered a crash anymore to Bitcoin?An 80% decrease in other assets would really strike panic in at least US domestic markets if not global markets. Historical crashes are: 1) The Great Depression of the 1930’s hit a total of 86% percent down. 2) The 60’s to the 80’s saw around a 70% stock market crash. 3) The Dot Com Bubble of the 90’s saw a 40% crash. 4) The Sub Prime Mortgage Loan Crisis of 2008 saw a 50% crash....Bitcoin has seen 80% “crashes”. This is Bitcoin’s fourth rodeo. I’m not sure what other stock (let alone, asset) can withstand 80% “crashes” and come back stronger. The first alternative asset I think of is the AMZN stock which fell 70%~ during the Dot-Com bubble. AMZN fell from $85~ to I roughly $20. Now each AMZN stock is worth roughly $1,725. Amazon did this once.Bitcoin has done this three times before. This is an anomaly of an asset.Pairing the A) economic circumstances and social normalization of the word “recession” in 2019, while the B) political environment is looking quite hectic. “Revolutions” are happening in Venezuela, Iran, Hong Kong, India/Bangladesh, multiple African countries... and do we dare forget that C) the federal reserve, not just the US Government, is facing troubling circumstances with BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa). Russia and China already bypassing the US Dollar taxes in trading with other countries like Iran.It is quite a blessing to be involved in a wonderful asset like Bitcoin as early as 2019. After tried and tested “crashes”, the entirety of Bitcoin does not collapse like any other stock would. This is not a stock. This is the emergence of a new asset class. That keeps on going and going and going. via /r/Bitcoin

Thought I would give this a go. I have seen it posted a couple of times on here. Any bits to look forward too?

Submitted September 30, 2019 at 04:57AM by cameronmu

People who wished that you could travel back in time and buy Bitcoin. It's the time.

No text found via /r/Bitcoin

Daily Discussion, September 30, 2019

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.We have a couple chat rooms now!GeneralPrice TalkPlease check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions. via /r/Bitcoin

Buyers Pact πŸ‘Œ 3:30PM Central Time Fridays

I would like to start a group purchase at $10 per participant at a set time every week regardless of market conditions. I know that it may seem silly at first but the $10 mark is something that most people can afford. It's not about any sort of market moving strategy it's more about a commitment to making Bitcoin a success. I think that we should view the $10 as doing our part to help Bitcoin continue to set a new higher low than every year before...I think it's possible that this group can grow to massive numbers and I do get excited when I think about 10,000,000 people buying $10 worth of Bitcoin at the same time each week. This would be bigger than Bakkt and bigger than institutions nothing against them but I have more faith in people and the power of their numbers especially the hodlers πŸ‘ I'm open to criticism but please be thoughtful.

Submitted September 30, 2019 at 06:19AM by Bigman1979

Sunday 29 September 2019

I have ascended to a Hodler

Let’s preface this: I have been in crypto for about 2.5-3 years now, mostly in Bitcoin. I dabbled in alts for a quick stint, lost a good amount of money, and got out.Over the years, I have hit a couple different phases. When I first got in, I was checking the price around 3-4 times a day. As time has gone on, I find myself checking less and less.This has gotten to the point that I just don’t really check the price at all. I remember opening Coinbase the other day to see the price drop. I just blew some air out of my nose, said “hmm”, and bought the dip.What I’m trying to say here is that I have hit the phases of buying and selling, checking the prices hourly, but at the end of the day everyone should be it for the long run. Price could drop again and again, but it won’t really matter in 20 years.TL;DR: HODL via /r/Bitcoin

Buyers Pact πŸ‘Œ 3:30PM Central Time Fridays

I would like to start a group purchase at $10 per participant at a set time every week regardless of market conditions. I know that it may seem silly at first but the $10 mark is something that most people can afford. It's not about any sort of market moving strategy it's more about a commitment to making Bitcoin a success. I think that we should view the $10 as doing our part to help Bitcoin continue to set a new higher low than every year before...I think it's possible that this group can grow to massive numbers and I do get excited when I think about 10,000,000 people buying $10 worth of Bitcoin at the same time each week. This would be bigger than Bakkt and bigger than institutions nothing against them but I have more faith in people and the power of their numbers especially the hodlers πŸ‘ I'm open to criticism but please be thoughtful. via /r/Bitcoin

Former VP from VISA, Amex & JPMorgan defects from traditional payment industry to Bitcoin.

Submitted September 30, 2019 at 03:05AM by bits-is-life

EspΓ­rito Santo Pet Shop that accepts bitcoin makes outdoor advertising​​ via /r/Bitcoin

Thought I would give this a go. I have seen it posted a couple of times on here. Any bits to look forward too? via /r/Bitcoin

Former VP from VISA, Amex & JPMorgan defects from traditional payment industry to Bitcoin. via /r/Bitcoin

"When will you guys learn?" ~February 2014 via /r/Bitcoin

"When will you guys learn?" ~February 2014

Submitted September 30, 2019 at 04:09AM by CyberneticFennec

Stock to flow ratio: What are the valid criticisms of this model relative to bitcoin? They say the model is 99% predictive so far.

Are there good criticisms of this model other than past performance not being a good model of the future? (e.g. some flaws about the assumptions of stock to flow itself) Just wondering how much weight I should give this because a lot of people say it has good predictive value.

Submitted September 29, 2019 at 04:17AM by MotherPotential

Anyone fancy helping out the Queen and the UK economy with Bitcoin donations? πŸ˜‚ via /r/Bitcoin

Is a Zero-Inflation money good for the economy?

I've started to be interested in Bitcoin in the last few months and started accumulating some on a monthly basis. I was smart enough not to invest during the 2017 bubble and not in the months following, because I thought the leaders of the western world would simply make it illegal. I know that would be extremely unfair, but so does making Marijuana and Gay marriage illegal, and these issues took decades to change even in the "free world". I believe that the only reason Bitcoin is legal is because many politicians secretly own bitcoin and benefit from it, and that bitcoin will explode upwards when this will become public sometime in the next 2-3 years.Let's get back to the question. In theory, inflation is a way to push the people into lending their "unused savings" to people/businesses who need the money and are ready to pay interest.Imagine that you have 10000 people and each has $200k (and no other savings at all). Each one can decide to lend his money to a business that promises the following: 50% chance that by the end of the year the business will return $600k for the investment (i.e. 3 times more), and 50% that it wouldn't return any.As individuals, you'll have to be crazy to take this risk - and you will prefer to keep your money as is. If the inflation rate is high, and keeping the coin's scarcity the same is not possible, you will psychologically be encouraged to unite with the other 9999 people, form a bank, and cover each others' risks. The expected value for profit is obviously positive, and the chances that you will loose money are extremely low.Nowadays, you can also invest your money in gold which has a limited scarcity - but the vast majority of people will only do that through the bank and not stash gold at home. When you buy gold through a bank, the bank doesn't actually buy the gold - it only manages its own internal risks so he will be able to return you as much as gold is worth (and I'm not even getting into the fact that in modern economy, the banks are allowed to lend businesses/people 10 times more money than the value invested in it).If people could stash "money with solid scarcity" at home, and won't lend it to others, the economy will become stagnated. Free country will loose, and more totalitarian countries will benefit.Obviously, this is only a theoretical discussion. In this theoretical world, the freedom to have money-with-solid-scarcity is less beneficial than a forced inflation. Of course that in the real world, pushing people to invest in banks and not giving them other options, creates huge corruption in the banking system. I would agree if some people here will argue that in a theoretical world, smart and decent Socialist leaders that plan the economy centrally can save us from redundant competition - the only problem is that in the real world the people that get to this leadership positions are either stupid or corrupt.Another argument would be that turning 10% of the population to slaves can also benefit the economy, and the average citizen will benefit. When it comes to choosing between freedom vs "a better economy", I will always choose freedom.The way I see it, bitcoin is neither good or bad, it's just another element in the mechanics of the economy. Just like nuclear weapons, which can either lead to a nuclear war or actually lead to a "cold war" balance which will eventually lead to peace.What do you think? Will the future adoption of bitcoin benefit free western countries because it will force the banking system to be less corrupt? Or will it benefit countries like China because western economy will become stagnated? via /r/Bitcoin

Can anyone recommend a good podcast that discusses all things Bitcoin and is good for beginners and intermediate Bitcoin enthusiasts?

No text found via /r/Bitcoin

1 Year... Sometime Within The Next Year Bitcoin Will Break 20k. After That... πŸš€ via /r/Bitcoin

Just making my new iOS 13 bitcoin price shortcut :) via /r/Bitcoin

Whatever happened to Fidelity?

Is it me or did Fidelity and their “will be open for trading within weeks” faded away into the ether?With Bakkt’s limp start and Fidelity slinking away into darkness, I get a sense the “institutions” really aren’t all that interested.When Fidelity? via /r/Bitcoin

Google has created a 50 qbit computer and executed an algorithm in minutes where it would have ran for 20,000 years using a normal computer. Cryptography will soon (in maybe 10 years) be impacted by quantum computing. What kind of algorithm would you use to face that tremendous computational power?

I think in a relatively near future, Google will be able to solve any mathematical problem used in crypto in a matter of minutes.Bitcoin's mining system is based on a mathematical problem solvable in exponential time, which is comparable to a simple linear time algorithm for a qComputer iirc.How would you avoid the Google's supremacy over cryptocurrencies?What kind of algorithm is solvable in exponential time for a quantum computer? via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin is Not Backed by Nothing - Unchained Capital Blog

Submitted September 28, 2019 at 09:45PM by Scratchasaurus

Dutch bank ABN Amro NV calls Bitcoin Risky but finds itself in the midst of a major money-laundering scandal.

Submitted September 28, 2019 at 10:31PM by PrivacyWriter

Man fined $7,000 for using Russian supercomputer to mine Bitcoin

Submitted September 28, 2019 at 05:36PM by usb-seacaptain

Satoshi Nakamoto is found in Thailand sect temple via /r/Bitcoin

Daily Discussion, September 29, 2019

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.We have a couple chat rooms now!GeneralPrice TalkPlease check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions. via /r/Bitcoin

Government of Uzbekistan Triples Tax on Electricity for Crypto Miners

Submitted September 29, 2019 at 02:55PM by raaner12

Saturday 28 September 2019

From a day job to a crypto job (a Bitcoin life-changing story).

I've spent most of my early 20s into getting a college degree. After graduation, I got a job in healthcare. The pay was great and working hours were horrible. I would spend 9-11 hours a day at work, not to mention having on-calls 6 to 7 days a month. The job really had no taste or any lifestyle in it.

Before I got the job and right after graduation, I was introduced to crypto and was fascinated by it since day 1. I would take away 30-40% of my salary and put it into crypto, reading about it in my spare time. It was really March, 2019 when I decided to leave my day job for good. I went on a journey to explore cryptoland. I would spend most my time on Reddit asking questions and answering some about crypto. I would raise awareness in my own community, and help my friends set up their wallet and purchase a fraction of Bitcoin. I had no pay, I was living off my savings. I've left everything for crypto and crypto had nothing to offer to me.

Later on, I came across a crypto exchange that put up a job position in customer support services. I applied for the job even though it required a bachelor degree in business and having experience in the field of support services, I had neither with an unrelated degree. I kept coming at them. I've sent them 5-10 emails, applied to their position through all platforms that had the job, and even talking to them through their support service telling them more about myself, I would always throw my name at the end of every conversation I had with them to let them know I was the same annoying guy who talked to them the night prior.

One day, I get an email telling me to come for a job interview, I've spent 4 hours being interviewed by all co-founders. The time I spent watching documentaries about Bitcoin and global economy helped me alot to impress them.

I got the job. It is remote, night shift, and 7 hours a day. The best part is that I'm getting paid half what I used to make. Half without the horrible long hours and hospital sleepovers. without having to get up on the morning hoping for the day to finish.

I am happy now. The team is great and I'm enjoying every moment.

Keep taking risks till you wake up in the morning to do something you love.

Submitted September 29, 2019 at 06:30AM by Leader92

Atm at my local mall via /r/Bitcoin

Reminder : Judge Bitcoin by yearly lows , not all Time highs. via /r/Bitcoin

Removing PayPal to focus on Bitcoin.

Submitted September 29, 2019 at 01:36AM by illegal_brain

"Bitcoin is now part of the macro landscape. There should be no more debate about this fact." via /r/Bitcoin

Updated Bitcoin Deflation Meme for 2019 and Beyond

Submitted September 29, 2019 at 06:17AM by erfb0und

From a day job to a crypto job (a Bitcoin life-changing story).

I've spent most of my early 20s into getting a college degree. After graduation, I got a job in healthcare. The pay was great and working hours were horrible. I would spend 9-11 hours a day at work, not to mention having on-calls 6 to 7 days a month. The job really had no taste or any lifestyle in it.Before I got the job and right after graduation, I was introduced to crypto and was fascinated by it since day 1. I would take away 30-40% of my salary and put it into crypto, reading about it in my spare time. It was really March, 2019 when I decided to leave my day job for good. I went on a journey to explore cryptoland. I would spend most my time on Reddit asking questions and answering some about crypto. I would raise awareness in my own community, and help my friends set up their wallet and purchase a fraction of Bitcoin. I had no pay, I was living off my savings. I've left everything for crypto and crypto had nothing to offer to me.Later on, I came across a crypto exchange that put up a job position in customer support services. I applied for the job even though it required a bachelor degree in business and having experience in the field of support services, I had neither with an unrelated degree. I kept coming at them. I've sent them 5-10 emails, applied to their position through all platforms that had the job, and even talking to them through their support service telling them more about myself, I would always throw my name at the end of every conversation I had with them to let them know I was the same annoying guy who talked to them the night prior.One day, I get an email telling me to come for a job interview, I've spent 4 hours being interviewed by all co-founders. The time I spent watching documentaries about Bitcoin and global economy helped me alot to impress them.I got the job. It is remote, night shift, and 7 hours a day. The best part is that I'm getting paid half what I used to make. Half without the horrible long hours and hospital sleepovers. without having to get up on the morning hoping for the day to finish.I am happy now. The team is great and I'm enjoying every moment.​Keep taking risks till you wake up in the morning to do something you love. via /r/Bitcoin

Updated Bitcoin Deflation Meme for 2019 and Beyond via /r/Bitcoin

I just got into bitcoin and this stuff amazes me, I really wanna ask some questions and i hope you people can be patient with me.

By just got into, i mean i just started reading about it and watching videos and all that. I still havent bought any coin cuz im not confident if i have all the knowledge needed or not yet.

So, what i have till now:

  1. I'm gonna need a wallet to put my coin in. I chose an online wallet rather than local cuz it sounds simpler. I heard people use Blockchain's wallet to store their bitcoin and i was shocked that it was free. Which makes me think this is fishy. Is it secure to use it or not? Given that im only gonna buy 25-50$ worth of coin for now. Not much ik but hey, im a 17 year old who cant afford to lose more than that.
  2. Im gonna need to find a place to buy bitcoin from and some of these places take a % of your coin, so iwant you guys to suggest me a reliable one which i can buy my first bitcoin from.
  3. There are sites called exchanges, which im really not sure about at this point in time. Can you please explain to me what that concept is. All i know is that one of the preferable ones is which looks decent, so whats an exchange and is binance a good one.
  4. Im gonna also need a place where i can sell my bitcoin when i finally want to.Will this be the same palce from which i wouldve bought my first ever bitcoin?

I think thats all i need to know for now. You guys seem to know your stuff very very well so idk if someone will even bother replying to a noob like me asking these dumb questions but hey, its worth a shot

Submitted September 28, 2019 at 08:23PM by Complex_Magazine

Free Bitcoin Icons (MIT License) via /r/Bitcoin

Found this 2014 Bitcoin meme via /r/Bitcoin

MMA/UFC star Ben Askren, asked for best 10 years investment, answer is Bitcoin.

Submitted September 28, 2019 at 01:46PM by Kondzi

When you are hodling Bitcoin since 2017 via /r/Bitcoin

Segwit adoption skyrockets over past week! via /r/Bitcoin

Point of Sale and ATM from General Bytes now supporting Lightning in Prague, Czech Republic

Submitted September 28, 2019 at 06:19AM by saladfingers6

Whitepaper on glass (art)

Submitted September 28, 2019 at 12:10AM by frankreddit5

[Lightning-dev] Full Disclosure: CVE-2019-12998 / CVE-2019-12999 / CVE-2019-13000

Submitted September 27, 2019 at 11:22PM by TheGreatMuffin

I'm always reminded that I should've hodl. via /r/Bitcoin

Crypto Kitty says this tastes like the future. via /r/Bitcoin

MMA/UFC star Ben Askren, asked for best 10 years investment, answer is Bitcoin. via /r/Bitcoin

Daily Discussion, September 28, 2019

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.We have a couple chat rooms now!GeneralPrice TalkPlease check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions. via /r/Bitcoin

Coinbase, Circle, etc... should immediately start pursuing opportunities to buy up some small state charter banks, small FDIC banks, or credit union, convert them to full-reserve US Dollar banks aka a dollar warehouse, so that they can continue to offer exchange services in a liquidity/dollar crisis

Coinbase, Bitstamp, Grayscale, Circle and other major Bitcoin institutions' exposure to the banking system will make them incredibly vulnerable if there is a liquidity crisis (the current Repo Madness is a bad sign)... At the very least, it's something for Bitcoiners to think about.... right now only the US Dollar is legal tender... Bitcoin can and will be cut off from the rest of the banking system/economy if the Banks close their doors on major Bitcoin custodians.If Bitcoin was legal tender, this wouldn't be a problem. Although, I guess the economy moves faster than legislation, so if the dollar does actually collapse, then Bitcoiners can quickly pivot to reprice goods and services in Bitcoin... at which point, we're sort of in a black market, because there is no way Bitcoiners will keep track of capital gains on their BTC transactions... via /r/Bitcoin

Friday 27 September 2019

Michelle Phan spreading the word

Submitted September 28, 2019 at 10:34AM by Unsilent_SoCalipede

Autobit bot That actually pay!

Submitted September 28, 2019 at 10:25AM by karasunorwin


Hello! My new antminer V9 was running perfectly. But the bitmain instructions said to change from a DHCP to a static IP address. I did and now I cannot access the antminer through the IP and the reset button is not factory resetting the machine. Everything appears to be running smoothly but the signal lights and fans are being weird. I believe that I need to factory reset but I cannot factory reset it. Help!

Submitted September 28, 2019 at 09:22AM by innocent-9-year-old

Employee Fined For Mining BTC on Nuclear Research Center Supercomputer

Submitted September 28, 2019 at 12:19PM by SatoshiHouse

Michelle Phan spreading the word via /r/Bitcoin

Why woman lives longer than man?

Submitted September 28, 2019 at 01:06AM by leaderlee

When Peter Griffin thinking of buying the Dip. πŸ˜‚ via /r/Bitcoin

Remember next time

Submitted September 28, 2019 at 03:52AM by 2Panik

Point of Sale and ATM from General Bytes now supporting Lightning in Prague, Czech Republic via /r/Bitcoin

Remember next time via /r/Bitcoin

BTC hashrate reaches new ATH!

After the "dip", it's growing even faster than ever!​Hashrate via /r/Bitcoin

Anthony Pompliano: U.S has to tokenise Dollar ASAP or via /r/Bitcoin

THIS is what Bitcoin is all about - Venezuela has Bitcoin stash and figuring out exactly how to use it

Submitted September 27, 2019 at 01:32AM by DesignerAccount

What Bitcoin Did: Caitlin Long, Trace Mayer & Tyler Lindholm on Reducing the Size of Government via /r/Bitcoin

They can manipulate the price because..

People continue to leave their bitcoins on the exchanges who are backed by the Banks and financialize bitcoin via rehypothification, commingling, OTC markets, and APIs that allow for their bots to trade back and forth with each other at whatever price they want at any time they want. The solution is simple. Move every single Satoshi into wallets where you control your private keys! This is absolutely the only way to take control back. Otherwise they will do whatever they want with the dollar value of Bitcoin.

Submitted September 26, 2019 at 10:00PM by BitcoinCanSaveUsAll

Venezuelan government may be hodling and transacting in Bitcoin!

Submitted September 26, 2019 at 11:04PM by evolveRevolution

Yup, that'd work just swell. via /r/Bitcoin