Saturday 5 October 2019

The point normies miss about our beloved Bitcoin

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to measure your dollars against a metric like that which we do length or distance? A foot/meter is still the same foot it was a hundred years ago. Yet we don't have such a metric for value. Or do we? The reason such metrics for length don't change is because in order for such a change to happen would take great consensus of everyone using that metric. Think of Bitcoin in that way. There's a certain amount that will ever exist just like there is a certain defined length in a foot/meter that will never change because it's found it's objective length. Bitcoin is going through it's decades long "price discovery" which right now is valued in dollars because that's what we've been used to for so long but eventually, due to its defined and unalterable scarcity, it will be the defined metric for which all other things of value will be measured against. Don't get me wrong value would be valued against anything, except dollars value drop over time without fail because that's how they're designed to inflate in supply but not Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the first truly scarce by design metric for value. For a long time it will go up in dollar value just like a foot or meter of land goes up in dollar value over time but that's not the land's fault, it's the dollars fault. Do you get what I'm saying? Better tech will surely be developed than Bitcoin but because Bitcoin was first makes it THE metric kind of like gold was the first metric of value however gold doesn't have the defined scarcity like Bitcoin because gold could and mathematically probably is infinite in the scope of the universe unlike Bitcoin. Bitcoin is what gold strived to be and that is truly scarce by design. via /r/Bitcoin

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