Friday 27 November 2020

I put many, many, many hours into the creation of this video

There are so many great articles on Bitcoin, but not enough videos that put the concepts into visuals and link the different layers from "why" to "how". So I tried doing that with a video where I cover everything I learned throughout the years. Economics, Ethics and Technology.

About me: I got into Bitcoin 2017 and ofc bought the top. I then diversified into alts and got rekt even harder. I guess this is the natural Bitcoiners starting path. However having my skin in the game I started learning and kept buying. From Andreas talks to The Bitcoin Standard as a start. After that articles, Mises, Hayek and Rothbard. Running a full node, understanding the technology through Mastering Bitcoin.

Here I am 3 years later. I love this community and the revolution we are witnessing. This video is my contribution. If you like it, please consider subscribing. Thank you!

Submitted November 27, 2020 at 08:30PM by tillmusshoff

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