Monday 30 November 2020

WARNING: Paxful is aggressively KYC and doesn't warn users until AFTER depositing bitcoin their funds will be locked until verification is completed

Just posting to warn everyone about paxful. I literally found it on a list of KYC friendly exchanges and sadly that couldn't be more far from the truthAFTER buying bitcoin through paxful, your funds will be locked until KYC is completed. There is no warning of this beforehand. If you are unable to complete the KYC verification your funds will be permanently locked in paxful. You cannot even trade them back to your original form of paymentThe KYC is some of the most aggressive I have ever seen, involving submitting photos of government documents as well as a live 'video selfie' of your face for facial recognition purposesI'm sure paxful makes quite a killing here, with crypto users that tend to value anonymity choosing to take a loss rather than have a three dimensional profile of their face in some for profit databaseDo not use paxful. Do not support this business. This is literally the scummiest practice I have encountered since I began using bitcoin in 2013Edit: Just because I know someone is going to ask, KYC = know your customer, which is a US government initiative for corporations to know who their customers are for tax/criminal investigative/surveillance purposes via /r/Bitcoin

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