Saturday 26 June 2021

Story time…

So I’m pretty new around here, I bought in at ATH and have been averaging down like a crazy maniac ever since. Not the smartest move but I don’t need the money for a long time and I knew this might happen when I got in. I’m prepared to hodl long term. It’s still not easy though. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one in this boat around here and I thought it would be nice if some of the OG’s would do us noobs a huge favour and tell us stories about when they first got in, how hard it was to hodl and how happy they were when major gains started to come in type thing. I would really appreciate the encouragement and promise to pay it forward one day when I’m a bad ass OG like you. :) Thanks!Edit: Thank you so much for the replies and upvotes. Let’s us noobs see that this community is strong. For ever live Bitcoin. via /r/Bitcoin

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