Tuesday 29 June 2021

Why I refuse to sell: the tomato plant parable 🍅

Bitcoin is my only tomato plant. In fact this tomato plant is the only thing I have to eat right now. It is still young, and I am extremely hungry.I don't know what I'm going to eat next month. I don't know if I'll even have the energy to make the trip home to see my family.My plant has a few small tomatoes on it, barely edible. They would maybe get me through a couple weeks or a month, but I know I'd be better off waiting until they've reached maturity before eating them. If I can wait that long, their sustenance will keep me going for much longer.My plant has a few small leaves on it, should I eat them to tide me over? Skim a little off the top? No. That would hinder my plant's ability to fully ripen, and the nourishment I'd get from its leaves isn't anywhere near that of a fully grown tomato plant.So I will be patient and wait until my plant has fat, red tomatoes before harvesting. And even then I'll save some of its seeds to plant each spring, giving me a bigger and bigger harvest each year. I might be late in making a trip back home to be with family, but at least I'll show up nourished from patient endurance and not emaciated from unripened opportunity.F via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3A6z4VL

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