Friday, 10 February 2023

The real reason I invest in Bitcoin is because I don’t think the US will survive the next 20 years.

Mods please remove if not relevant.So like, Social Security, should nothing change, is going to start paying out reduced benefits in the year 2034. Old people won’t stand for that, so they’ll vote to restore it, meaning we start rapidly and exponentially increasing our deficit beyond the already unimaginable levels we have today. This will cause an money printing inflation debt spiral. Meantime, Housing costs and rent are still going up despite increased rates, but wages are remaining stagnant while half of the industries are getting automated away.All of this tension is increasing political polarization which is causing government gridlock which causes us to be unable to resolve our issues.I honestly don’t know how the US is going to sustain itself beyond 10 years. Or if it does, it will look radically different from what we think it is today. Maybe it could sustain itself as a corporate defacto oligarchy but that requires a middle class and in tact environment.Posting to see if I’m just being alarmist or if others think this way. via /r/Bitcoin

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