Attention all Bitcoiners! Are you ready for a wild ride in 2023?According to the four-year cycle of Bitcoin, we're entering the accumulation phase and it's time to buckle up! Despite all the macroeconomic events, the China ban, the Tesla ban, inflation, market crashes, and insolvencies, Bitcoin just keeps on ticking. It's almost as if it's defying the laws of economics!Think about it, Bitcoin has survived bear markets in 2014, 2018, and 2022, each lasting approximately 1 year and dropping by over 80%. But, it always seems to bounce back stronger than ever. It's as if Bitcoin is playing a game of "Can You Handle This?" with the market and the market is losing.What's even more fascinating is that the four-year cycle of Bitcoin seems to be more predictable than the weather in March. According to the countdown on https://bit.ly/3jrRrRv, the next halving is expected to occur in March 2024 and the cycle might repeat.So, is Bitcoin the first asset in the history of mankind with calculable and foreseeable price movement? We might be onto something here! With its unalterable data for future supply, it's possible that Bitcoin's tokenomics and its cycle could be a stronger force for its price than any fundamental news.What do you think? Let's discuss it!The facts:BEAR MARKET 2014 - Lasted appr. 409 days with the bottom at 86.5% in the redBEAR MARKET 2018 - Lasted appr. 367 days with the bottom at 84.27% in the redBEAR MARKET 2022?? - Lasted appr. 379 days with the bottom at 77.53% in the redMore facts:The Cycle Theory:--> BTC Halving--> Price Explosion Rally for 1.5 years--> Bear market for 1 year--> Accumulation/Sideways Phase for 1.5 years--> next BTC Halving--> rinse and repeatWhat really happened:--> Bitcoin's last halving was in May 2020--> the price exploded from $9,500 to $69,000 in November 2021 (1.5 years)--> After that Bitcoin entered a bear market with the lowest price being in November 2022 (1 year)--> According to this model we should be in accumulation now until the halving which will occur approximately in the end of March 2024 according to the countdown on https://bit.ly/3jrRrRv .Don't take financial advice from strangers on reddit. I don't have any Bitcoin MBAs. via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/40xHcLQ
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