Monday 31 July 2023

The value of your entire life's work replicated in 2 minutes via /r/Bitcoin

media vs bitcoin via /r/Bitcoin

SEC asked Coinbase to halt trading in everything except bitcoin, CEO says

Submitted July 31, 2023 at 10:19PM by GetEdgeful

Bitcoin Is Not Crypto, The SEC Confirms via /r/Bitcoin

$138,192.80 BTC ?? via /r/Bitcoin

👨‍💻 “12 years ago, Satoshi stopped contributing to bitcoin and said the project was in good hands “for everyone.” Today, only 0.06% of the lines of code in the Bitcoin Core repository remain unchanged since Satoshi wrote them. We are all Satoshi!”

Submitted July 31, 2023 at 04:49PM by Extreme-Brief-8285

SEC asked Coinbase to halt trading in everything except bitcoin, CEO says via /r/Bitcoin

Sunday 30 July 2023


Submitted July 31, 2023 at 02:39AM by svrnenergy

I orange-pilled my coworker and he was actually listening.

I may have planted the seed of another bitcoiner. I just have to make sure this plant gets water and sunlight to grow.My coworker is typically known by other coworkers to be on the quiet side. But whenever we work together, we are able to talk naturally. Probably because we are a similar demographic.Yesterday he asked how bitcoin was doing. I then go on for two hours about bitcoin this and bitcoin that.Usually people cut me off by that time, or they are mentally checked out of the conversation (in one ear out the other). But I knew he was listening because he was asking questions. And when he understood what I was saying, he would re-word it in his own way. I could tell he was really learning and I'm glad he had an open mind instead.Things I said:- There is only 21 million bitcoin forever, it's impossible to print. USD is printed unlimitedly. So unlimited dollars get divided into 21 million units, making each of those 21 million units more valuable.- SP500 grows 7% a year, while REAL inflation is 7% a year.- I showed him SP500 divided by M2 money supply and explained that SP500 goes up in USD value simply because there are more USDs in circulation.- Bitcoin mining reward cuts in half every 4 years. Current inflation rate of bitcoin is the same as gold, and in less than 1 year, the inflation rate will be HALF of gold's.- Gold has been used as a store of value for over 6,000 years and humanity finally has something better than gold.- There are 80 million people in the top 1% of the 8 billion people on earth. If all 21 million coins were equally distributed amongst the 80 million, each person in the top 1% can only have 0.26 bitcoin. Which mathematically means 0.26 bitcoin guarantees you have more bitcoin than 99% of the human population.- The stocks held in Fidelity are controlled by Fidelity, whereas with bitcoin, you hold it in your own hardware wallet. Banks show your account balance, but they don't actually have that money in their possession because they only have 1 dollar backing multiple dollars (fractional reserve banking) which would cause a bank run if everyone all at once wanted to withdraw their money.- Blackrock, the biggest asset manager in the world wants a bitcoin ETF, and they have to back their ETF with actual bitcoin, meaning they have to buy our bags.​What other points are good to bring up?​ via /r/Bitcoin

Reality via /r/Bitcoin

Daily Discussion, July 30, 2023

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!

If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.

Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions.

Submitted July 30, 2023 at 02:06PM by rBitcoinMod

To the moon

Submitted July 30, 2023 at 03:44PM by coocooforcrypto

Pentagon has ordered Major Jason Lowery's Softwar to be removed from public domain and asked Lowery to stop talking about it publicly (Downloadable PDF of the entire book in the comments)

Submitted July 30, 2023 at 10:12PM by KAX1107

Saturday 29 July 2023

LOL via /r/Bitcoin

😇 Legendary quote by Satoshi Nakamoto, said 13 years ago at bitcoin price of $0.07! «If you don’t believe me or don’t understand - I don’t have time to explain it to you, sorry»

Submitted July 29, 2023 at 08:19PM by Extreme-Brief-8285

why do you need a cold wallet?

If you are saving bitcoin in cold storage, long term, for the future, why do you need to have a ledger/cold card, when you already have your 24 word key? If you have no intention to trade or spend your coin isn’t the electronic device just another potential point of weakness? Isn’t it safer to just preserve your private word key?

Submitted July 29, 2023 at 06:03PM by btcadopter

Bitcoin fixes this

Submitted July 29, 2023 at 04:24AM by Minute_Gas_6229

I am 25 years old & stacking Bitcoin every month 💸

I started accumulating bitcoin as an alternative way of investing when I was 19, but after 2 years I completely shifted on bitcoin as main investment option.

Am I doing right thing 🧐

Submitted July 29, 2023 at 10:58PM by Sumit_1998

House in the Amazon on sale only for Bitcoin shows bitcoin is getting real world adoption.We are winning my dudesPeace via /r/Bitcoin

Friday 28 July 2023

When you thought 2022 was bad, but then 2023 happened!

Submitted July 28, 2023 at 11:53PM by cointelegraph1

🍉 A polite reminder that bitcoin is the best and there is no second best! 😆 via /r/Bitcoin

Got a spare $2500 I can never decide how to do it…

I got the orange itch and like any good addict I need to get that hit! 🍊 But, I can never decide whether to do a lump sum buy or DCA a set divided amount, what’s your go to at the moment if you got some spare cash? I’ve done both in the past, In the end it probably won’t make much difference as it’s all going in but I’m just curious about what you would do at the moment in the current climate? I sometime like to set up a buy for a 1% drop just for fun to feel like winning something, when in reality I just like collecting rare numbers on a screen :) via /r/Bitcoin

Daily Discussion, July 28, 2023

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!

If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.

Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions.

Submitted July 28, 2023 at 02:04PM by rBitcoinMod

Has anyone here given up traditional investing in favor of only Bitcoin?

Hi. I've been seriously contemplating my investment strategy lately, and one idea that wouldn't let me go is entirely replacing stocks with Bitcoin in my portfolio. I know it's a bold move, terrifying but thrilling at the same time.

Since I started buying Bitcoin in 2019, about a quarter of our savings go into buying more. After the Blackrock posting, I regret that I didn't invest more over all these years, and I'd want to change that.

The only problem is that my wife and I have a shared investment account, and she's categorically against any such move, saying that it would be wiser to keep it with the various investment and don't take such high risks. She acts as if I want to sell our properties and empty all our bank accounts, leaving us without a dime. More than that, she threatens to file for divorce if at least one stock position disappears from our portfolio without a proper reason.

All my arguments about great opportunity growth are neglected. She keeps bringing up stuff like it's dumb to keep all eggs in one basket, that we need to invest as diverse as possible to minimize our losses, and other classic financial advice you can find on seeking alpha review or investopedia. My wife won't stop repeating that no one who's smart enough won't give up everything for Bitcoin, constantly remembering every one of our friends who got burned on crypto investments.

All her nagging made me curious whether someone here has focused only on Bitcoin investments, ignoring all the rest. What were your experiences, both positive and negative? How has it impacted your overall financial position and long-term outlook? Also, I'd like to hear from people who wanted to pour all into Bitcoin but didn't do it. What stopped you? Do you regret this decision?

Submitted July 28, 2023 at 09:44PM by badlyPick42

When you thought 2022 was bad, but then 2023 happened! via /r/Bitcoin

A critique of Softwar, by Jason P. Lowery

The book "Softwar: A Novel Theory on Power Projection and the National Strategic Significance of Bitcoin" by Jason P. Lowery offers an extensive exploration of Bitcoin through the lens of strategic and cybersecurity, as opposed to a purely fiscal one. It presents a novel theoretical paradigm for assessing the potential strategic national implications of Bitcoin, viewed as an electro-cyber defense technology as opposed to a decentralized electronic cash system.The following are some pivotal arguments and possible inaccuracies from the standpoint of a Bitcoin developer:Proof-of-workThe proposition that Bitcoin, via its proof-of-work protocol, can be perceived as an electro-cyber security framework allowing for the exertion of tangible power in the digital domain. Lowery posits that Bitcoin equips individuals with the capacity to enforce severe physical consequences (represented in wattage) on adversarial entities attempting to exploit them via software. This viewpoint conceptualizes Bitcoin as a mechanism for power projection, enabling individuals to establish and maintain an untrusting, permissionless, egalitarian, and decentralized dominion over bits of information, provided they have the will and capability to wield physical power to safeguard it (Page 245).The critique here, though, points out that this is an intriguing perspective; the primary purpose of Bitcoin is to operate as a decentralized digital currency. The power projection elucidated by the author is an ancillary outcome of Bitcoin's decentralization and inherent security, rather than its primary intent. The function of Bitcoin's proof-of-work algorithm is to fortify the network against double-spending and other forms of attack, not to project power in a geopolitical context.The book also proposes that Bitcoin could upheave human power-based dominance hierarchies from their foundational roots (Page 374). While it's undeniable that Bitcoin has the potential to disrupt conventional financial systems and power structures, it was not designed to be an instrument for power projection in the same way that military or economic resources are. Bitcoin is a tool for financial sovereignty and privacy, not a weapon for geopolitical power struggles.The book seems to equate the physical power utilized in Bitcoin's proof-of-work algorithm (i.e., the energy expended to mine Bitcoin) with the notion of power projection in a geopolitical environment. While it's true that Bitcoin mining demands substantial energy resources, it is distinctly different from the concept of power projection, which usually involves employing military or economic force to influence the actions and behavior of other nations.Bits and ValueThe book asserts that the bits within Bitcoin can symbolize any kind of valuable data that individuals desire it to represent, including but not confined to financial information (Page 375). It further implies that once we have deduced how to keep financial bits of data physically secure against attack, we have in essence figured out how to protect all types of information from physical attack (Page 34).While it is indeed factual that Bitcoin's blockchain can be employed to store and transmit non-financial data, it's crucial to understand that this is not its primary function. Bitcoin was developed as a peer-to-peer electronic cash system, with the primary objective of facilitating financial transactions without necessitating a trusted third party. The data that Bitcoin primarily processes is transaction data, i.e., detailing who transferred how much Bitcoin to whom.The capability to store non-financial data on the Bitcoin blockchain is more of an unintended consequence of its design rather than a fundamental feature. This is accomplished by utilizing specific fields in the transaction data to store arbitrary data, but this practice is generally discouraged because it can result in blockchain bloat. The Bitcoin blockchain is not intended to function as a general-purpose data storage system, and employing it as such can induce inefficiencies.Storing non-financial data on the Bitcoin blockchain does not offer any additional security advantages over storing financial data. The security of the Bitcoin blockchain is derived from its decentralized, proof-of-work consensus mechanism, which ensures that no single entity can control or manipulate the transaction history. This security extends equally to all data housed on the blockchain, whether it's financial or non-financial.Strangler PatternThe book suggests that Bitcoin could serve as a "strangler pattern" replacement of our legacy internet infrastructure with a modern architecture that isn’t as clearly susceptible to systemic exploitation and abuse (Page 376). The book further intimates that Bitcoin could operate as the preeminent mechanism employed by digital-age societies to map or anchor elements of the old internet version to the revamped version of the internet (Page 322).While Bitcoin indeed introduces a new, decentralized paradigm for financial transactions and data storage, it isn't designed to supplant the entire internet infrastructure. The internet is an extensive and multifaceted system supporting a wide variety of applications and services, from email and web browsing to video streaming and cloud computing. In contrast, Bitcoin is a specific application that operates on the internet, designed to enable peer-to-peer financial transactions.The claim made by the book appears to conflate the concept of a decentralized financial system (which Bitcoin offers) with the idea of a decentralized internet (which is a much broader and more intricate concept). While there are projects and technologies aiming to foster a more decentralized internet (such as InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) and various blockchain-based "Web 3.0" initiatives), Bitcoin is not one of them.The book's suggestion that Bitcoin could serve as the dominant mechanism for tying the legacy internet to a new version of the internet is speculative and isn't substantiated by current technological realities. While it's true that blockchain technology (the underlying technology of Bitcoin) has potential applications in areas like decentralized identity systems and domain name systems, these are still largely experimental and have not been widely adopted yet.Kinetic PowerThe book propososes that Bitcoin could significantly transform the way humans vie for control over valued resources, effectively resetting the global balance of power in a manner akin to the profound changes brought about by full-scale kinetic world wars (Page 376). The author further proposes that Bitcoin could revolutionize the perception of physical confrontation in the digital-age society (Page 370). Moreover, it's implied that global adoption of an electro-cyber form of physical power competition, facilitated by proof-of-work technologies like Bitcoin, could lead to the genesis of a completely novel form of polity (Page 385).It is undeniable that Bitcoin holds the potential to disrupt conventional financial systems and power structures. However, juxtaposing its impact to the scale and consequences of world wars is hyperbolic and speculative. World wars resulted in massive loss of human lives, extensive destruction, and substantial shifts in geopolitical boundaries and power structures. In contrast, Bitcoin is a digital currency that operates on a decentralized network. While it can indeed influence financial systems and potentially disrupt some power structures, particularly those related to finance and banking, it is incapable of causing physical destruction or loss of life.The book suggests that Bitcoin could spawn a completely new form of polity is speculative and isn't supported by current realities. Although Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies can indeed influence how people transact and store value, they don't intrinsically alter the fundamental nature of societal organization or governance. They may contribute to shifts in power dynamics, particularly in the financial sector, but they do not supplant the need for traditional forms of governance and societal organization.The book also seems to conflate the concept of power competition in a geopolitical context with the concept of power competition in the context of Bitcoin mining. Bitcoin mining does involve a form of competition, as miners compete to solve complex mathematical problems to add new blocks to the blockchain and receive Bitcoin rewards. However, this is far from the concept of power competition in a geopolitical context, which involves nations competing for resources, influence, and dominance on the global stage.Projecting PowerThe book asserts that Bitcoin, through its proof-of-work technology, could help society secure itself against systemic exploitation of computer networks (Page 378). The author argues that Bitcoin could empower individuals to physically secure their digital information, by projecting physical power in, from, and through cyberspace to impose severe physical costs on those who exploit our computing systems (Page 347). The author further speculates that national adoption of Bitcoin could be conceptualized as the employment of an electro-cyber militia to safeguard and defend a nation’s valuable digital information (Page 360).While it's true that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies can provide a level of security and privacy not available in traditional financial systems, it's crucial to underscore that they also introduce new vulnerabilities and potential for misuse. Bitcoin transactions are irreversible, which can make them appealing for fraudulent activities. Bitcoin wallets can be lost or stolen if not adequately secured. The security of the Bitcoin network itself hinges on its decentralized nature and the computational power required to alter the blockchain, but individual users are still susceptible to scams and hacking.The book's suggestion that Bitcoin could serve as a form of "electro-cyber militia" is speculative and not universally accepted within the Bitcoin community. Although Bitcoin does offer a method for individuals to secure their financial transactions against interference from third parties, it is not designed to shield against all forms of cyber exploitation or to serve as a form of national defense.In conclusion, Softwar presents an unconventional viewpoint on Bitcoin's potential influence on national strategic security, proffering that Bitcoin could serve as an effective tool for power projection, system defense, and even societal reorganization. However, these propositions, while intriguing, often veer towards the speculative and seem to be somewhat misaligned with the predominant understanding of Bitcoin's primary purpose and functionality within the field of computer science.While this book undoubtedly offers a unique and thought-provoking perspective on Bitcoin's wider implications, it is crucial to approach these theories with a discerning and critical eye. It is always beneficial to juxtapose such theories with the broader consensus within the Bitcoin development and computer science communities, to gain a more rounded understanding of this remarkable technology. Ultimately, Bitcoin continues to evolve and its full potential, while yet to be fully realized, remains a subject of intense debate and exploration within the computer science community. via /r/Bitcoin

Thursday 27 July 2023

Bitcoin's reaction to the Fed's rate hike

Bitcoin reacted weakly to the Fed's rate hike, and even grew slightly after Powell's speech. Although the speech itself can be called a bit harsh - the Fed is ready to further tighten the monetary policy and has no plans to lower the rate. Perhaps, it will lower it next year. And inflation will fall to the target 2% only by 2025.

Nevertheless, altcoins, along with bitcoin, are in the green zone. There are practically no falling assets among the top 100 by capitalization.

Submitted July 28, 2023 at 12:39AM by MarsDao_blog

Bitcoin's reaction to the Fed's rate hike

Bitcoin reacted weakly to the Fed's rate hike, and even grew slightly after Powell's speech. Although the speech itself can be called a bit harsh - the Fed is ready to further tighten the monetary policy and has no plans to lower the rate. Perhaps, it will lower it next year. And inflation will fall to the target 2% only by 2025.Nevertheless, altcoins, along with bitcoin, are in the green zone. There are practically no falling assets among the top 100 by capitalization. via /r/Bitcoin

Wednesday 26 July 2023

The real price of out-of-thin-air money: UK taxpayers faces £150bn bill to cover Bank of England’s QE losses

Submitted July 27, 2023 at 01:07AM by bitsteiner

"Bitcoin right now has 300-340 Million users" via /r/Bitcoin

How minimalistic are you living?

Just wanting to get a feel for what others are doing as I know no other Bitcoiners IRL.

I’m 32yo and got married in 2020 around the same time as we experienced lock downs. My work moved to fully remote, so my wife and I moved in with my parents to save up for a down-payment on a house.

I had always been interested in BTC but really started studying it once I was making enough money to invest the excess after bills. The more I began to understand Bitcoin, the more I realized it’s an extraordinary time to stack sats and went all in. 100% of net worth going into BTC. Bought at 16k, 65k and everywhere in between. Conviction leads to laser-eyed focus.

I went from making $50k in 2019 to $270k last year (software engineer) — saved on rent by living with my parents and eating at home, and stacked like a mad man. My wife is on the same page and understands this is a temporary situation for a better future. Some family members don’t get it but they don’t need to.

What measures are y’all taking to take advantage of current price levels?

Submitted July 26, 2023 at 11:06PM by WaltDisney90

Daily Discussion, July 26, 2023

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!

If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.

Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions.

Submitted July 26, 2023 at 02:08PM by rBitcoinMod

How minimalistic are you living?

Just wanting to get a feel for what others are doing as I know no other Bitcoiners IRL.I’m 32yo and got married in 2020 around the same time as we experienced lock downs. My work moved to fully remote, so my wife and I moved in with my parents to save up for a down-payment on a house. I had always been interested in BTC but really started studying it once I was making enough money to invest the excess after bills. The more I began to understand Bitcoin, the more I realized it’s an extraordinary time to stack sats and went all in. 100% of net worth going into BTC. Bought at 16k, 65k and everywhere in between. Conviction leads to laser-eyed focus.I went from making $50k in 2019 to $270k last year (software engineer) — saved on rent by living with my parents and eating at home, and stacked like a mad man. My wife is on the same page and understands this is a temporary situation for a better future. Some family members don’t get it but they don’t need to.What measures are y’all taking to take advantage of current price levels? via /r/Bitcoin

The real price of out-of-thin-air money: UK taxpayers faces £150bn bill to cover Bank of England’s QE losses via /r/Bitcoin

Keep stacking sats and f**k the banksters!

Submitted July 26, 2023 at 06:30PM by Antonis277

Iranian gives a lesson on bitcoin

Submitted July 26, 2023 at 10:02PM by notlarangi123

Tuesday 25 July 2023

I created a model for when will bitcoin be usable as Unit of Account, take it with a grain of salt but should give an idea.

Submitted July 26, 2023 at 12:28AM by enzain

📚 Bitcoin research by investment giant BlackRock calculated that the optimal allocation of BTC in a portfolio (cryptocurrency, obviously) is 84.9% in 2022!

Submitted July 25, 2023 at 11:19PM by Extreme-Brief-8285

It is such a cute piece that I got praises always via /r/Bitcoin

I created a model for when will bitcoin be usable as Unit of Account, take it with a grain of salt but should give an idea. via /r/Bitcoin

Couple to Plead Guilty in Multibillion Dollar Bitfinex Bitcoin Theft Case

Submitted July 25, 2023 at 11:32AM by jguest1105

Daily Discussion, July 25, 2023

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!

If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.

Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions.

Submitted July 25, 2023 at 02:05PM by rBitcoinMod

📚 Bitcoin research by investment giant BlackRock calculated that the optimal allocation of BTC in a portfolio (cryptocurrency, obviously) is 84.9% in 2022! via /r/Bitcoin

Monday 24 July 2023

UK carpet retailer adds Bitcoin to its balance sheet via /r/Bitcoin

Long-term BTC holders already hold 75% of the cryptocurrency's supply

Submitted July 24, 2023 at 11:50PM by MarsDao_blog

UK Bank accounts completely frozen after P2P

On Saturday morning. my UK bank froze my entire account. Cards blocked, online banking disabled, no access to any money.

Banks work 5 days per week, Mon - Fri.

Im visiting here, with no access to local currency, and I wont be able to talk to resolve this until 5 working days from now at the earliest. (Saturday to Friday potentially with no access to my own finances)

I did a P2P transaction on binance, to exchange some crypto for GBP, <2000 GBP. The transfer was highlighted as potential fraud by the bank.

So they locked all access to all accounts I have, and the amounts available.

Take care out there, but man, banks are insane. Locking up peoples money without any discussion, on a day when itll be a minimum 2 days before someone is even at a desk to start going through the process. Thankfully I have no kids, but it was a tricky few days for my wife and I.

Abroad and locked out of your bank is pretty hard for anyone.....

and all of this for my own safety........ right banks?

Bitcoin cant become mainstream soon enough.

Submitted July 24, 2023 at 10:30PM by GeoffreyGardiner

Long-term BTC holders already hold 75% of the cryptocurrency's supply via /r/Bitcoin

Strike Is Becoming More & More Like an Underwhelming Ordinary Exchange

I guess the "free ride" with Strike is over.

In the last few months they have:

1) Started charging a credit card/debit card fee for funding your account.

2) Started charging a miner's fee for fast, on-chain withdrawals. (Although currently low-priority withdrawals are still free.)

3) Have recently started holding Bitcoin until funds settle. (They used to allow instant withdrawal.)

4) Stopped sending a confirmation email with each purchase.

I understand they got people hooked with eating a lot of fees and they couldn't do that forever, but it feels like they have joined The League of Ordinary Gentlemen.

My biggest gripe with them is they make these changes with NO advanced communication. Getting a bit frustrated with them... 😕

Submitted July 24, 2023 at 10:08PM by escodelrio

McDonald now accepting bitcoin payment in El Salvador 🥶🥰🚀

Submitted July 24, 2023 at 11:09PM by wealthcluborg

Strike Is Becoming More & More Like an Underwhelming Ordinary Exchange

I guess the "free ride" with Strike is over. In the last few months they have:1) Started charging a credit card/debit card fee for funding your account.2) Started charging a miner's fee for fast, on-chain withdrawals. (Although currently low-priority withdrawals are still free.)3) Have recently started holding Bitcoin until funds settle. (They used to allow instant withdrawal.)4) Stopped sending a confirmation email with each purchase.I understand they got people hooked with eating a lot of fees and they couldn't do that forever, but it feels like they have joined The League of Ordinary Gentlemen. My biggest gripe with them is they make these changes with NO advanced communication. Getting a bit frustrated with them... 😕 via /r/Bitcoin

UK Bank accounts completely frozen after P2P

On Saturday morning. my UK bank froze my entire account. Cards blocked, online banking disabled, no access to any money.Banks work 5 days per week, Mon - Fri.Im visiting here, with no access to local currency, and I wont be able to talk to resolve this until 5 working days from now at the earliest. (Saturday to Friday potentially with no access to my own finances)I did a P2P transaction on binance, to exchange some crypto for GBP, <2000 GBP. The transfer was highlighted as potential fraud by the bank.So they locked all access to all accounts I have, and the amounts available.Take care out there, but man, banks are insane. Locking up peoples money without any discussion, on a day when itll be a minimum 2 days before someone is even at a desk to start going through the process. Thankfully I have no kids, but it was a tricky few days for my wife and I.Abroad and locked out of your bank is pretty hard for anyone.....and all of this for my own safety........ right banks? Bitcoin cant become mainstream soon enough. via /r/Bitcoin

McDonald now accepting bitcoin payment in El Salvador 🥶🥰🚀 via /r/Bitcoin

Sunday 23 July 2023

Saw this at the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul

Submitted July 23, 2023 at 10:13PM by No_County5535

Farmers market, San Salvador via /r/Bitcoin

Reminder: It still only costs ~$299 to become a satoshi millionaire.

Submitted July 23, 2023 at 10:09PM by BitCypher84

BTC ATM in local Dunkin Donuts via /r/Bitcoin

Bankers hate this one simple trick!

Submitted July 23, 2023 at 09:54PM by BitCypher84

Saw this at the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul via /r/Bitcoin

Saturday 22 July 2023

Daily Discussion, July 22, 2023

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!

If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.

Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions.

Submitted July 22, 2023 at 02:06PM by rBitcoinMod

Asteroid with $10 quintillion worth of metals edges closer to US reach via /r/Bitcoin

Jack Dorsey: The invention of bitcoin is mind-blowing and incredible to bear witness to

Submitted July 22, 2023 at 11:29PM by KAX1107

“In a free market of currencies, the hardest money always wins”

For those of you wondering about the future success of Bitcoin, and/or invest in altcoins, this is a really important concept IMHOThis was a quote from Matt O’Dell recently on a podcast. It really resonates to me, and most importantly is consistent with human history and human behavior. Money throughout history has only been an idea of “what value represents” evidenced by things that were used as money in the past such as sea shells and large stones as examples. Gold of course won in this “free market” in the past, given some of its similar properties to Bitcoin I see the current marketplace of digital money in the same way….for me it’s logical that this marketplace of “cryptocurrencies” exists, as people try and figure out through trial and error what is the best money. But again IMO, Bitcoin is it. It’s digital gold, and there is nothing else that will displace it. via /r/Bitcoin


Submitted July 22, 2023 at 05:47AM by FreedomBoy99

Jack Dorsey: The invention of bitcoin is mind-blowing and incredible to bear witness to via /r/Bitcoin

Friday 21 July 2023

US Government Sells Another 8,200 Bitcoin, On-Chain Data Confirms

Submitted July 21, 2023 at 10:53PM by MarsDao_blog

276 days until the bitcoin halving via /r/Bitcoin

1000 SATS is now equal to 0.3$USD. We're reaching a point where SATS will soon be a useful way of pricing goods! PERSPECTIVE

For those who don't know, a SAT also called Satoshi, is the lowest number that a Bitcoin can be split into. One Bitcoin is equal to 100 million SATS.

That might sound like a very large number, and make Bitcoins lowest denominational value sound like an useless measurement.

But as the price has been going up over the years, the value of each SAT has also been going up, and we're now at the point where Bitcoin's SATS are individually worth more than a lot of real currencies.

As a comparison we can look at the value of other currencies used around the world, and their value relative to the dollar.

42.250 Iranian Rial is equal to 1$

23.650 Vietnam Dong is equal to 1$

19.900 Laotian Kips is equal to 1$

1300 South Korean Won is equal to 1$

That means that if Bitcoin hits just 90.000$ one SAT will be worth the same as 1 Korean Won, a legitimate currency backed by a great country.

As someone who has been in crypto since it was below 300$ it boggles my mind that we've already reached this point, and makes me super exited for the future of Bitcoin as an everyday payment method.

Submitted July 21, 2023 at 09:55PM by deckartcain

Daily Discussion, July 21, 2023

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!

If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.

Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions.

Submitted July 21, 2023 at 02:04PM by rBitcoinMod

Early to bitcoin

Well I’m overwhelming happy to announce yesterday was my Reddit Cake Day and I celebrated by finally hitting my goal of .5 BTC! 🎂 I’ve been interested in BTC for many years now but I always seemed to “miss the boat” as they say. I’m finally in a great financial position and blessed that I can safely HODL long term :) to anyone reading this that isn’t where they want to be yet or feels like they’ve missed out on cheap BTC in the past just remember we’re still early and there’s always time. If you believe it’s going to succeed then there will never be a bad price to buy with patience

Edit: fixing typos

Submitted July 21, 2023 at 09:28PM by cj_vantrillo

I need you mfs to get in there right now!!! Troops Uhh-ten-shun!!! via /r/Bitcoin

You CAN send Bitcoin from REVOLUT to a wallet you control the keys to. Seems to be a lot of misinformed people on here. via /r/Bitcoin

Help us protect the BTC Logo @ at -> 135, 216 via /r/Bitcoin

Thursday 20 July 2023

Bitcoin can fix her

Submitted July 20, 2023 at 11:58PM by kinetic_jfig

"The fan is kind of annoying, but that's the sound of money" via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin can fix her via /r/Bitcoin

/r/place - Bitcoin Logo [30x30] - Coordinates (-231,188) - (-261,158) via /r/Bitcoin

/r/place - 8Bit Logo Design to Follow

Submitted July 20, 2023 at 11:17PM by skysafe

Bitcoin Search Volume via /r/Bitcoin

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Unveils Plan to Back Dollar With Bitcoin, Exempt BTC From Capital Gains Tax

Submitted July 20, 2023 at 03:21PM by cullpeppe

/r/place - 8Bit Logo Design to Follow via /r/Bitcoin

Wednesday 19 July 2023

Bitcoin will never reach $20 again via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin’s Lighting Network: Fast, Cheap, And A Lifeline For Latin America

Submitted July 19, 2023 at 09:51PM by jam-hay

Visualizing Bitcoin Price Vs r/Bitcoin comments so far this year via /r/Bitcoin

After school clubs in the U.K.

Submitted July 19, 2023 at 01:30AM by Zootalorz

How I Answer the #1 Trick Question About Bitcoin

When my newly minted M.B.A. neighbor asks me with a tone of both superiority and skepticism “What is Bitcoin and what is it backed by?” my response usually shuts him down:

“Bitcoin is a payment system designed to lay just beneath the internet that is faster than our current system, fraud proof, immutable, censorship resistant and decentralized. Though it has many of their characteristics, It is not a currency or a commodity or a security. Treat it as any of those things at your own financial peril”.

Anything I should add or improved choice of words?

Submitted July 19, 2023 at 07:39PM by djaphet9

Bitcoin’s Lighting Network: Fast, Cheap, And A Lifeline For Latin America via /r/Bitcoin

Tuesday 18 July 2023

Joe Kernen to forgotten actor: "You said you did a deep dive, but it only took me 20 pages of The Bitcoin Standard"

Submitted July 19, 2023 at 12:21AM by KAX1107

Only plastic, but i designed it myself. via /r/Bitcoin

Check your eligibility for LayerZero today! Finally they maked snapshot! via /r/Bitcoin

Joe Kernen to forgotten actor: "You said you did a deep dive, but it only took me 20 pages of The Bitcoin Standard" via /r/Bitcoin

🇵🇹 Craft beer and burgers paid in #bitcoin in Portugal!

Submitted July 18, 2023 at 10:31PM by Jem_colley

Average Joe: What is Bitcoin backed by? Provoking answer: Bitcoin is not backed by anything. Average Joe: Why? Best answer: Bitcoin is the one that backs everything.

Submitted July 18, 2023 at 09:21PM by sylsau

✊ Long-term holders continue to hold 14.5 million BTC (the level of the historical high for this indicator) According to Glassnode, this shows the unwillingness of mature investors to dump their coins at these price levels via /r/Bitcoin

Monday 17 July 2023

Somehow I missed this one: California passed a bill through the Senate and it's almost all the way through Assembly, if it passes and becomes law it would limit bitcoin and other "digital currency" kiosk use to a 1,000 dollar limit per day. I don't use kiosks but oppose this bill on principle. via /r/Bitcoin

Max Keiser knew in 2014 that the world's largest asset managers would need Bitcoin

Submitted July 18, 2023 at 12:20AM by No-Comparison-9307

"Bitcoin is the Rebirth of Savings Culture" via /r/Bitcoin

Today was a good reminder of why I bitcoin makes sense in the first place

My bank that I’ve had for over a decade back when I lived on the east coast. (A regional bank) flagged my account and disabled my password because I was trying to transfer money from my checking account to another bank that I bank with (a national bank). I live on the west coast now and I still actively have a portion of my pay go into that account. But the whole purpose of me moving this money was for me to be able to pay for the closing cost I need to buy my house. Now that they have froze my account they just told me it will be a couple of days before I can log back into it and complete any transfers for “security” purposes. My closing date is supposed to be Wednesday but now thanks to these idiots I can’t get it done because I can’t access MY OWN MONEY. Wtf as long as dumba$$ $hit like this happens with these banks bitcoin isn’t going anywhere. via /r/Bitcoin