Wednesday 26 July 2023

How minimalistic are you living?

Just wanting to get a feel for what others are doing as I know no other Bitcoiners IRL.I’m 32yo and got married in 2020 around the same time as we experienced lock downs. My work moved to fully remote, so my wife and I moved in with my parents to save up for a down-payment on a house. I had always been interested in BTC but really started studying it once I was making enough money to invest the excess after bills. The more I began to understand Bitcoin, the more I realized it’s an extraordinary time to stack sats and went all in. 100% of net worth going into BTC. Bought at 16k, 65k and everywhere in between. Conviction leads to laser-eyed focus.I went from making $50k in 2019 to $270k last year (software engineer) — saved on rent by living with my parents and eating at home, and stacked like a mad man. My wife is on the same page and understands this is a temporary situation for a better future. Some family members don’t get it but they don’t need to.What measures are y’all taking to take advantage of current price levels? via /r/Bitcoin

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