Friday 28 July 2023

Has anyone here given up traditional investing in favor of only Bitcoin?

Hi. I've been seriously contemplating my investment strategy lately, and one idea that wouldn't let me go is entirely replacing stocks with Bitcoin in my portfolio. I know it's a bold move, terrifying but thrilling at the same time.

Since I started buying Bitcoin in 2019, about a quarter of our savings go into buying more. After the Blackrock posting, I regret that I didn't invest more over all these years, and I'd want to change that.

The only problem is that my wife and I have a shared investment account, and she's categorically against any such move, saying that it would be wiser to keep it with the various investment and don't take such high risks. She acts as if I want to sell our properties and empty all our bank accounts, leaving us without a dime. More than that, she threatens to file for divorce if at least one stock position disappears from our portfolio without a proper reason.

All my arguments about great opportunity growth are neglected. She keeps bringing up stuff like it's dumb to keep all eggs in one basket, that we need to invest as diverse as possible to minimize our losses, and other classic financial advice you can find on seeking alpha review or investopedia. My wife won't stop repeating that no one who's smart enough won't give up everything for Bitcoin, constantly remembering every one of our friends who got burned on crypto investments.

All her nagging made me curious whether someone here has focused only on Bitcoin investments, ignoring all the rest. What were your experiences, both positive and negative? How has it impacted your overall financial position and long-term outlook? Also, I'd like to hear from people who wanted to pour all into Bitcoin but didn't do it. What stopped you? Do you regret this decision?

Submitted July 28, 2023 at 09:44PM by badlyPick42

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