Sunday 30 July 2023

I orange-pilled my coworker and he was actually listening.

I may have planted the seed of another bitcoiner. I just have to make sure this plant gets water and sunlight to grow.My coworker is typically known by other coworkers to be on the quiet side. But whenever we work together, we are able to talk naturally. Probably because we are a similar demographic.Yesterday he asked how bitcoin was doing. I then go on for two hours about bitcoin this and bitcoin that.Usually people cut me off by that time, or they are mentally checked out of the conversation (in one ear out the other). But I knew he was listening because he was asking questions. And when he understood what I was saying, he would re-word it in his own way. I could tell he was really learning and I'm glad he had an open mind instead.Things I said:- There is only 21 million bitcoin forever, it's impossible to print. USD is printed unlimitedly. So unlimited dollars get divided into 21 million units, making each of those 21 million units more valuable.- SP500 grows 7% a year, while REAL inflation is 7% a year.- I showed him SP500 divided by M2 money supply and explained that SP500 goes up in USD value simply because there are more USDs in circulation.- Bitcoin mining reward cuts in half every 4 years. Current inflation rate of bitcoin is the same as gold, and in less than 1 year, the inflation rate will be HALF of gold's.- Gold has been used as a store of value for over 6,000 years and humanity finally has something better than gold.- There are 80 million people in the top 1% of the 8 billion people on earth. If all 21 million coins were equally distributed amongst the 80 million, each person in the top 1% can only have 0.26 bitcoin. Which mathematically means 0.26 bitcoin guarantees you have more bitcoin than 99% of the human population.- The stocks held in Fidelity are controlled by Fidelity, whereas with bitcoin, you hold it in your own hardware wallet. Banks show your account balance, but they don't actually have that money in their possession because they only have 1 dollar backing multiple dollars (fractional reserve banking) which would cause a bank run if everyone all at once wanted to withdraw their money.- Blackrock, the biggest asset manager in the world wants a bitcoin ETF, and they have to back their ETF with actual bitcoin, meaning they have to buy our bags.​What other points are good to bring up?​ via /r/Bitcoin

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