Sunday 24 September 2023

Selling my Condo to buy BTC

Since I retired and moved to Europe I am putting my Condo in Miami on the Market for Sale. I have a high Equity on my Unit and I’m planing to invest 85% of my net Capital Gains (after Realtor Com. & Taxes) into BTC. The other 15% I plan to hold in cash for my Living Expenses of the next 3 Years.

My Question: I known that DCA is the way to invest in BTC which I have done in the past 7 Years. Should I buy BTC in a DCA fashion since we are close to the Halving in the 2 Quarter of 2024 and and a subsequent Bull Market ? Or should I buy BTC in one shot since I feel that the Price will ultimately go up very soon ?

Any Suggestions are greatly appreciated πŸ™

Submitted September 25, 2023 at 12:33AM by jeanpaulinmiami

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