Friday 6 October 2023

Just had a conversation with my roommate and it touched on Bitcoin…

It’s amazing how knowledgeable he is about business and how things work in general but when we came to Bitcoin he didn’t seem to know the most fundamental things. He tells me the market is so volatile, I should be careful. He racked his nerves following stocks a few years ago. He didn’t seem to know about the value-sabotaging nature of fiat currency and how Bitcoin is finite and the implications of that. He mentioned how crazy it was that kids were using it years ago to buy video game characters and skins, etc. as if that’s what it was created for. I had to correct him that Bitcoin was created to be the perfect, finite currency system. I could tell I was losing him so I ended up moving on quickly. But it gave me hope for Bitcoin. The reason people aren’t catching on is not that it’s such a mystery to them. There is just such a misconception about it. People think they know it all and they’re not asking questions, they’re not figuring it out yet. The next ten years is going to be wild. via /r/Bitcoin

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