Sunday 31 December 2023

A reminder: do not sell Bitcoin to Wall Street's ETFs! Buying & holding is not a matter of accumulation anymore, it is to protect Bitcoin from manipulation. Scums like Dimon will use Bitcoin as their speculative bitch. The more you hold, the less slack for those rats. So, do your job: buy & hold!

No text found

Submitted December 31, 2023 at 07:38PM by Grammar_Natsee_

BTC closing Price on New Year's Eve ( 2010- 2023)

2023 - $42,628.29 ( at ~16:45 UTC)2022 - $16,538.552021 - $46,224.392020 - $28,935.172019 - $7,216.102018 - $3,740.232017 - $14,156.402016 - $963.742015 - $430.572014 - $320.192013 - $754.012012 - $13.452011 - $4.252010 - $0.30​ via /r/Bitcoin

How many Bitcoin halving cycles are left?

After this one coming up in 2024, it will be reduced to 4. Is there another halving in 4 years that will reduce it to 2? 4 years after that, 1? 0.5 after that? Or is this the last one? How will bull and bear markets behave after all the bitcoin is mined? With all the bitcoin having been mined, will that stabilize the value? Sorry for the noob question and thanks for any answers.

Submitted December 31, 2023 at 11:11AM by andrewfrommo84

BitWise Bitcoin ETF Takes The Lead With $200 Million Seed via /r/Bitcoin

Saturday 30 December 2023

“How much BTC do we own darling?”

My wife randomly asked how Bitcoin was doing the other day. I explained about the pending ETF and how it’s more than doubled in the last year.

The next question was how much we had invested into it. She threw out a number £x. I murmured an agreement to this. In fact the actual amount invested is approx 12x greater.

The conclusion of the conversation was that we should hold anyway (despite being in profit). My concern is if she knew the full amount she would apply pressure to sell it sooner. Obviously she will see the benefits of us holding further in the long term.

How open with your other half are you about your BTC investments?

Submitted December 30, 2023 at 08:49PM by throwaway99572582

πŸ“† A message from 2011, when bitcoin was worth $4 dollars “Bitcoin will do to banks what e-mail did to the post office” via /r/Bitcoin

Friday 29 December 2023

🚨 This may be your last chance to buy Bitcoin before BlackRock 🚨

Submitted December 29, 2023 at 10:35PM by BitCypher84

Stopped by a furniture store to buy a bookshelf. Guess what I found. via /r/Bitcoin

Had a crazy dream.

It was about the prices of bitcoin. What felt like a fraction of a second. The price broke through to 47k-50k-55k-57k-75k-80k-115k-155k. Then the price blanked out as if the counter couldn’t keep up. Then my wife turned on the lights and woke me up 😭. via /r/Bitcoin

🚨 This may be your last chance to buy Bitcoin before BlackRock 🚨 via /r/Bitcoin

Thursday 28 December 2023

Money for Criminals

Read an article this morning about the paradoxical occurrence of a rise in demand for paper money as paper money usage plummets (Apple Pay, Venmo, CashApp, etc proliferating). So who is all this cash for? Simply put: criminals. More specifically, the article was about $100 bills. Some stats that stood out to me:The $100 bill is the most circulated note at 80% of paper money supply. 3/4 of 100s are outside the U.S. $1M in 100s is 22 lbs. Moving large quantities of money obviously requires space and weight efficiency. Money laundering has been a known massive issue to government for many many years but efforts to crack down have inexplicably focused more on tools like cryptocurrencies whose use in criminal activity is infinitesimal compared to cash. In effect, by producing, distributing, and failing to provide adequate restrictions, the government is enabling the worst of the worst in the world to operate criminal organizations. They are not just enabling, they are aiding. But yeah, bitcoin is the monetary instrument for criminals. Laughably stupid. Sorry for not having a non-paywall link to the article as I saw it on my Apple News Feed (Mother Jones Magazine was the source). I googled around and found many other articles/publications talking about the same issue, I had just never seen the numbers before. via /r/Bitcoin

Just kidding we are never selling our#bitcoin via /r/Bitcoin

Get your priorities right, Get Bitcoin via /r/Bitcoin

Wednesday 27 December 2023

With MicroStrategy and Saylor's most recent BTC purchase, they are now ~20,000 BTC (~$850M) shy of owning 1% of the total supply of the hardest asset in the world, bitcoin

Submitted December 27, 2023 at 10:18PM by AlonShvarts

MicroStrategy Buys $615 Million Worth of Bitcoin, $50,000 Soon? for NASDAQ:MSTR by DEXWireNews via /r/Bitcoin

Am i crazy not converting my BTC for next bull run and staying 100% in BTC

I've DCA for the past 3 years, 100% BTC+hardware wallet. I know other coins can give me better returns but i feel like i wanna stay 100% BTC in next bull run. Im just too scared to own other, feel like BTC is my safest asset.I think with those others i would be constantly worried about devs leaving, hacks, some rugpulls(even in top 100 alts) and that alts are basically companies and that they depend on central entity etc..Been DCA for past 3 years, I have only 0.23 BTC and my average 23k so its not much but im from third world country so its hard to buy more.. via /r/Bitcoin

Tuesday 26 December 2023

Bitcoin 2023πŸ”₯

Submitted December 26, 2023 at 09:39PM by muhaiminulislamsajib

Bitcoin Mining Stocks are Rallying Whilst BTC Cools Off. via /r/Bitcoin

Mt. Gox ready to pay out 138 k bitcoin?

«X accounts tracking the developments of Mt. Gox revealed that the known addresses related to the trustee of the collapsed exchange held more than 137,890.9 Bitcoin last month, the market value of which is about $5 billion.»

I guess we might get a proper fire sale. What do you think?

Submitted December 26, 2023 at 06:37PM by Ratatablabla

Monday 25 December 2023

Shower thought - if you must buy a bitcoin ETF...

Then buy GBTC when it switches.Grayscale has stood by bitcoin through thick and thin.Grayscale has never fucked around with rehypothecating or other general shittery.Grayscale took the feds to court and beat them black and blue, which took heat off of us small hodlers.The leaders of Grayscale have been public bitcoin advocates for over a decade, in spite of very public ridicule from their Wall Street peers.I am not saying to buy an ETF. But if you must, reward the only Wall Street firm that has been on our side since long before everybody else decided to make money on us.No paid announcement or association. via /r/Bitcoin

i wish i saw this sub earlier

Submitted December 25, 2023 at 06:57PM by Such_Breadfruit_9461

Mentor Monday, December 25, 2023: Ask all your bitcoin questions!

Ask (and answer!) away! Here are the general rules:If you'd like to learn something, ask.If you'd like to share knowledge, answer.Any question about Bitcoin is fair game.And don't forget to check out /r/BitcoinBeginnersYou can sort by new to see the latest questions that may not be answered yet. via /r/Bitcoin

Sunday 24 December 2023

Two sides of the Bitcoin

Heads: My 69 year old Father-in-Law recently asked me if I had any of “The Bitcoins”. Of course I told him that I do have actual Bitcoin as well as exposure to Bitcoin in my IRA. He watches Jim Cramer on CNBC but said he hasn’t heard him talk about positively about Bitcoin. I gave him a few high-level reasons as to why I believe it is a solid but still volatile investment. He was very receptive to how I explained Bitcoin to him. I also explained to him about the potential of Spot Bitcoin funds in January, 2024.

The next day he asked what stocks he could invest in that would give him Bitcoin exposure. I gave him a few suggestions for research since he wanted to do this through his Charles Schwab account. A few hours later he said he was “in” and is still interested in the Spot ETFs.

Tails: I gave my 8 year old Grandson a “gold” (made of aluminum) Bitcoin token as a gift. He thinks it is cool. He has heard of Bitcoin at school. I explained to him that the physical coin isn’t worth anything as the real Bitcoin is on the internet. He said he understood since he plays Minecraft.

He showed his Father, my 28 year old Son-in-Law, the “Bitcoin” in the case that came with the token. My SIL said, “Now you can carry that around to remind you what a horrible investment it is.” It took a lot of restraint to not retort. I have talked to my Grandson about money in general and Bitcoin specifically. He seems to understand the basic concepts I’ve discussed.

Conclusion: Not what I expected from my FIL or SIL. The older man is open minded to new concepts and the younger man has mental myopia. My Grandson will hopefully be in a future world where Bitcoin is commonplace to the masses. I’ll do my best to continue to impart knowledge concerning Bitcoin to him.

Submitted December 24, 2023 at 10:07PM by Morbid_Necrolatry

Maybe a dumb question via /r/Bitcoin

Fiat and crypto is a perpetual rug pull. Bitcoin is the exit.

Greed is part of human nature and everyone who is in charge of a monetary system can't help themselves and will sooner or later rug pull it's users. In crypto this happens on a smaller scale but it's more rapid, blatant and obvious, in fiat it happens on a large scale, a slower more subtle multigenerational rug pull. The long term outcome is the same.

It doesn't matter how late you are to Bitcoin it will always make sense to buy it if you can avoid becoming a victim of rug pulls.

This is true today, true 10 years from now and true 100 years from now. As long as the blockchain works without interruption it will make sense to use it as an exit.

Stocks and real estate are a good alternative as an exit strategy but stocks are subject to geopolitical and economic risks and real estate requires active management and expertise if you want to beat inflation.

Bitcoin should be the logical choice for many people.

Submitted December 24, 2023 at 07:07PM by bitcorner22

Late to the party ?

Hi all I’ve got roughly 500 pounds worth of btc bought at around 30k in 2021 and also 33k recently . I am in the position I could put another 1k in immediately lt or would it be better to dca in?

Most of my investments are long term index funds which I intend to hold alongside the crypto for at least a decade .

I’m 35 years old

What should I do? Just buy it now?

Submitted December 24, 2023 at 09:07PM by Record-Select

Saturday 23 December 2023

Are there any current methods to borrow against BTC / use BTC as collateral at the moment?

Uk based, but generally here it’s often said that when someone has accumulated enough BTC instead of spending it on,say, a house, we could borrow against it, so that we would still benefit from any further appreciation on the BTC… in reality are there any methods or companies where this could be implemented right now or in the short term future?? via /r/Bitcoin

With 6.98% upward difficulty adjustment, hashrate is ripping.

Submitted December 23, 2023 at 02:23PM by saulabrm

El Salvador Greenlights Law Offering Citizenship To Bitcoin Investors via /r/Bitcoin

If China has quietly flipped on Bitcoin and is secretly amassing BTCs, the U.S. could be caught flat-footed. While China's economy is only second to that of the U.S. right now, however, if China gains monopoly over the supply of Bitcoin, it can easily overtake the U.S. economy in the near future. via /r/Bitcoin

Friday 22 December 2023

Most of us here did not know Bitcoin existed until relatively recently, what other technologies or innovations are currently in their “2009” stage of life that you know of?

Just curious, Bitcoin is a rare step forward but I am certain there are others just as significant happening today that most people don’t know about.

What is happing that you know of but 99% of people don’t, in any space?

Submitted December 22, 2023 at 12:42PM by voice-of-reason_

Newton took 36,000$

Newton exchange is not releasing my 36,000. Not only did they lock my funding from another exchange of mine, they said it could be days before I see my funds. Fortunately, the Reddit post woke them up and they processed my money within 8 hours.Unfortunately, regardless of what they say, I do not see my money almost 24 hours later. Their crypto withdrawal is apparently “instant”. It’s been nearly a day. 36,000$ never to be seen.Contacted support multiple times. Contacted ceo on twitter. No response from anybody.No money seen. Is this typical of this exchange? via /r/Bitcoin

All aboard!

Submitted December 22, 2023 at 07:45PM by LuKeNuKuM

The spot bitcoin ETF race could quickly reach your 401(k) retirement plan via /r/Bitcoin

Thursday 21 December 2023

Bitcoin was the #1 Best Performing Asset in 2023, and at the beginning of 2023, they all said equities and bonds were the way. They thought I was crazy for buying bitcoin.

Who would've expected that bitcoin would be the #1 best performing asset in 2023? We always hear it. We always hear bitcoin being the best performing asset of the year, but who would've thought in 2023? Especially after the bearishness of 2022...I worked in a real estate brokerage as a sales agent from Sept 2022-Dec2022My coworker knew I like to invest, and that investing was my main thing. He used to think it was stocks.I was telling my coworker that I put all my money into bitcoin. I remember he nervously laughed as if to say "what did I just hear him say? This whole time I thought he was good with money and he puts all his money in bitcoin? This guy can't be saved"He was showing me the FTX news on his phone the day of the collapse. I kept telling him during that time that it was historically the best time to buy according to the data.He kept saying "ill eventually invest". During that entire time, I told him, every single dollar that insert boss here gives me goes into bitcoin. every single dollar.Bitcoin was at 16,000 during this time.My mom told me to stop with the bitcoin and buy up bonds. I literally remember she said to buy bonds.At my new job, my coworker told me to earn a risk free 5% return in a savings account.I didn't listen to anyone's advice. Instead, I did my own research, and converted my money into the hardest form of money in the world.It feels like we are either at a bitcoin top, or we are at the very beginning of a very big run coming up (Like the Sept-Oct-Nov 2020 time frame) via /r/Bitcoin

Here we go: Bitcoin 44k πŸš€

Submitted December 21, 2023 at 09:40PM by CarlBMenger_

Bitcoin requires 100 hours of research to truly understand its value…Financial analyst draws comparisons between Bitcoin and early Microsoft…Do your research on Bitcoin don’t just gamble and focus on fiat price. Price has nothing to do with Bitcoin’s VALUE… via /r/Bitcoin

Wednesday 20 December 2023

The chase for abundant energy is bringing Bitcoin mining to villages in Africa that previously had no reliable electricity via /r/Bitcoin

Appreciate the Dips!

Submitted December 20, 2023 at 07:42PM by Buzzalu

Will Bitcoin be in the top 5 next year?

Submitted December 20, 2023 at 09:03PM by HealthyMolasses8199

Have been here since 2018

Have been on this subreddit since 2018 (I guess). For everyone who is now freshly getting into Bitcoin: Chill out and DCA into Bitcoin. Then every month send all your Sats to an cold storage wallet. Thats the only post you need to read for your journey. Good luck sticking to it. via /r/Bitcoin

Tuesday 19 December 2023

Why are people DCAing small amounts on the blockchain, and not lightning?!

Pretty much the title. Im confused as to why people are still buying $10-$20 worth of bitcoin on the block chain, and not doing it through the lightning network? If you consolidate your bitcoin in a lightning wallet UTXOs all compile into one when you bring them onto the chain, avoiding moving massive amounts of data that result in fees higher then what they’re moving.

Submitted December 19, 2023 at 09:09AM by OwnPersonalSatan

Not long now via /r/Bitcoin

Buy Bitcoin

Let me tell you one thing:

after the ETF aproval, big institucionais like Black rock and other are going to advertise bitcoin ETF in main stream media.

Buy Bitcoin, buy ETF bitcoin... The whole day:

In every news, in every economy show , they gonna fish hard for new money... And they gonna do it agressively because they will be competing against another firms.

They gonna pay famous respected people to say good things about bitcoin and how easy is getting bitcoin in ETF.

This is so much bigger than you know...

No selling the news event... This is the biggest catalyst in bitcoin history.

Stop dcaing and go all in now

Submitted December 19, 2023 at 08:06PM by marcio-a23

Economist - Why bitcoin is up by almost 150% this year via /r/Bitcoin

Monday 18 December 2023

I asked AI to generate images of typical subreddit users. Very accurate. via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin fixes this: Banco Santa der (Germany) refuses ti set higher online wire limit - New policy they say

Just called my bank, because the online option to set a new wire limit just disappeared. They said new policy by management forbids them to set limits > 5.000€/day.

Only Option to send a bigger amount is, to come to an office in person.

It is going to take me 10 days and 10 wires now, to pay 50k.

P.s. Funny how many buttcoin lemmings around here. Next appointment in my bank available to do such a wire: in 3 weeks. What now, you buttcoiners? Can't go to another office, as this has to be done in MY office as they say.

P.P.S Went back to the bank office now and kept yelling at the innocent cashier in front of other clients and asking why they think they can hold me away from sending my money, i got an appointment for thursday with the local director. He wants to discuss that case with me and see what he can do.

Submitted December 18, 2023 at 07:08PM by krasserfcker


Submitted December 18, 2023 at 08:41PM by adilbenzaid

Buy the dips gang!

BTC was at $45,000 a week or so ago.. we’re now at $41,000.. that’s a 10% drop.. this is what I consider a dip and a buying opportunity.

Buy this dip!

Submitted December 18, 2023 at 09:44PM by Physical-State3960

Sunday 17 December 2023

For the person who asked if a bitcoin atm at a ski resort was a good idea via /r/Bitcoin

Can I just leave bitcoin on Trezor for years untouched?

Do I have to plug my wallet in periodically to update it or can it just sit?

Submitted December 17, 2023 at 09:19PM by c3p0n0

"At 20% of My Goal, Is It Wise to Increase My Average Buy-in After the 40k Surge?"

My BTC buy-in average is at 25k after navigating the bear market. The recent jump to 40k has me feeling disappointed, at my 20% target. I'll have some cash in 2024, and the ETFs are looking bullish. In 2021, I successfully took a loan, but a friend suggests going for a 2-year margin with interest on Binance instead of a bank loan. With the expectation of BTC going up in 2025, what's your take? Is it a smart move, or am I heading for trouble?NB: Young, Single, Stable Job, No Kids or Big Responsibilities via /r/Bitcoin

Friday 15 December 2023

Each bitcoin is the equivalent to 2.7 square miles of land.

Earth has 57 million square miles of land.

There’s 21 million bitcoin.

Therefore, each bitcoin would equate to 2.7 square miles of land.

Which is 1,728 acres of land.

Which is 700 hectares.

Which is 7 million square meters.

Submitted December 15, 2023 at 01:59PM by Normal-Jelly607

Normies don't understand absolute scarcity

Bitcoiners will tell a normie there can only be 21M bitcoin and think it's enough to convince them of the superiority of its monetary policy.To us it's obvious what it means, because we've spent a lot of time thinking about it. We've read books on money, Austrian economics and human action. We know how different fiat is, where inflation and its problems come from. We have thought about time preference, its effect on people's incentives and decisions.So the sole mention of a hard cap brings up a lot of implications and we all take them for granted, as though they go without saying. Because in our circles they in fact do.This is evident in Bitcoin memes, which normies usually don't see and wouldn't understand: the wholecoiner meme, and all those memes half-jokingly implying that if you own 0.1, 0.01 or whatever BTC, you'll be surrounded by women and your kids will call you a legend.In the normie's mind, there is only a chart where the price goes up and down, and usually it's just down from the previous ATH, because the chart is on a linear scale and everything up to the latest cycle looks like a flat line. No patterns emerge and no thoughts are provoked about the dynamics behind it. It looks bad precisely because it's so good.They don't understand that owning x BTC is owning at least x/21M of the pie, forever, and they don't understand what it means.In the fiat world there is the millionaire meme, but that meme is eroding: a millionaire today is not the same as a millionaire a decade ago. Normies don't understand that's because they're being stolen from (and to add insult to the injury, those who can barely make ends meet are being stolen from more than the millionaires).They don't understand inflation, they've never heard of hedonic adjustments or the Cantillon effect, and they don't understand exponentiality.And this is just one hurdle to overcome on the way to widespread adoption. via /r/Bitcoin

What caused Bitcoin to go from 1k to 20k in 2017?

And 8k to 67k in 20/21?These were absolutely massive price rises, without any of the eft or institutional interest we have now. What caused it back then? via /r/Bitcoin

Tuesday 12 December 2023

Would u sell your Bitcoin to buy a house ?

As the title says ,,, I’m in a dilemma. I have the opportunity to buy a house but that would mean selling most of my bitcoin that I have held for 7 years.Probably the hardest decision of my life . via /r/Bitcoin

Minimum wage and Bitcoin

I think Michael Saylor pointed out one of the biggest (uh duh) moments in financial history when he pointed out that you could flip burgers at minimum wage but if you invest your savings from that job into Bitcoin in 10 yrs you'll be looking back and saying, "damn I was getting paid $1000 an hr to flip burgers because I was smart enough to save in Bitcoin.

Just started doing the math on my first years of DCAing and realizing that holy shit I technically got paid $3700 hr at a factory job because I saved my spare money in Bitcoin.

Here I am 7 years later, new job, higher pay, but my mentality will always be the same,

In 7 years time from now I'll look back and do the same math to realize I was getting paid over $100k an hr to work in a factory because I was smart and saved in Bitcoin.

Yeah... I couldn't imagine anyone else smart doing that math after Saylor pointed it and thinking my same thought experiment.

Might wanna buy your self a little bit and hang on for the ride cus this may just catch on quickly

Submitted December 12, 2023 at 02:45PM by Bitbuyer313

πŸ“† It’s a bit of a sad day. Exactly 13 years ago, on December 12, 2010, the great Satoshi Nakamoto left his last post on the Bitcointalk forum via /r/Bitcoin

Monday 11 December 2023

I think the so spoken "biggest wealth transfer in history" is going to be on this bull run

I have been following bitcoin since 2013 ( not rich yet ) and I have to say this is the most messed up state that the world economy has ever been on a bull cycle, not to mention the two wars going on. Some analysts argue that this bull run might be longer since the last one has ended a little earlier than people was hoping for. I seriously think that this run is going to leave no-coiners in fiat hell forever and they might be lucky enough to have 0.001 bitcoin at the end of it.

Submitted December 11, 2023 at 09:27AM by badjano

😁 In 2017, JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon has already regretted calling bitcoin a “fraud” once: “When I made that stupid statement, my daughter emailed me, ‘Daddy, I have two BTC’”

Submitted December 11, 2023 at 04:39PM by Extreme-Brief-8285

Why I appreciate Matthew ... Kratter

In a sea of videos with obnoxious thumbnails - pikachu! shocked face, dramatically holding up stupid CGI'd-in coin, BITCOIN TO $127,000 BY FRIDAY THE REASON WILL SHOCK YOU, unrelated floating heads of Larry Fink or Michael Saylor - his videos are evergreen. From the oldest to the newest, they are eminently watchable. He never tries to PRESSURE viewers into watching NOW NOW NOW, which, intentionally or not, translates psychologically into FOMO and paperhands.

Thank you, Matthew ... Kratter.

Submitted December 11, 2023 at 09:22PM by PepeDeCorozal

When people start talking politics, I'm like, 'Sorry, I only speak via /r/Bitcoin

Sunday 10 December 2023

My 78yr old MIL just asked me about buying BTC!

Shes been in the investment sector for decades and has several security licenses that she is worried about jeopardizing if she buys BTC. I wasn't able to advise her about that aspect, but I did orange pill her to the point she is setting up a separate account on Monday and is preparing to LS purchase an amount to keep in cold storage.She's also going to purchase the ETF when that is approved but she wants to get ahead of the institutions especially after we talked about golds supply and what happened when that ETF was approved. I made sure she is aware how risky this is and she could lose it all, but she's convinced it's a risk worth taking for her children and grandchildren.I don't know what this means in terms of a top, but mainstream adoption is definitely happening. via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin is just getting started. via /r/Bitcoin

Saturday 9 December 2023

We are less than 100 billion to a $34T Debt . via /r/Bitcoin

Who's Ready for the Fight of a Lifetime?!?

Submitted December 09, 2023 at 07:40AM by SynthToshi

Finding a mortgage lender that will recognize Bitcoin as an asset.

Anybody know of a good mortgage lender that will recognize Bitcoin as an asset? It seems impossible to get a mortgage while holding BTC unless you have a traditional job. Any ideas? United States... via /r/Bitcoin