Friday 15 December 2023

Normies don't understand absolute scarcity

Bitcoiners will tell a normie there can only be 21M bitcoin and think it's enough to convince them of the superiority of its monetary policy.To us it's obvious what it means, because we've spent a lot of time thinking about it. We've read books on money, Austrian economics and human action. We know how different fiat is, where inflation and its problems come from. We have thought about time preference, its effect on people's incentives and decisions.So the sole mention of a hard cap brings up a lot of implications and we all take them for granted, as though they go without saying. Because in our circles they in fact do.This is evident in Bitcoin memes, which normies usually don't see and wouldn't understand: the wholecoiner meme, and all those memes half-jokingly implying that if you own 0.1, 0.01 or whatever BTC, you'll be surrounded by women and your kids will call you a legend.In the normie's mind, there is only a chart where the price goes up and down, and usually it's just down from the previous ATH, because the chart is on a linear scale and everything up to the latest cycle looks like a flat line. No patterns emerge and no thoughts are provoked about the dynamics behind it. It looks bad precisely because it's so good.They don't understand that owning x BTC is owning at least x/21M of the pie, forever, and they don't understand what it means.In the fiat world there is the millionaire meme, but that meme is eroding: a millionaire today is not the same as a millionaire a decade ago. Normies don't understand that's because they're being stolen from (and to add insult to the injury, those who can barely make ends meet are being stolen from more than the millionaires).They don't understand inflation, they've never heard of hedonic adjustments or the Cantillon effect, and they don't understand exponentiality.And this is just one hurdle to overcome on the way to widespread adoption. via /r/Bitcoin

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