Tuesday 12 December 2023

Minimum wage and Bitcoin

I think Michael Saylor pointed out one of the biggest (uh duh) moments in financial history when he pointed out that you could flip burgers at minimum wage but if you invest your savings from that job into Bitcoin in 10 yrs you'll be looking back and saying, "damn I was getting paid $1000 an hr to flip burgers because I was smart enough to save in Bitcoin.

Just started doing the math on my first years of DCAing and realizing that holy shit I technically got paid $3700 hr at a factory job because I saved my spare money in Bitcoin.

Here I am 7 years later, new job, higher pay, but my mentality will always be the same,

In 7 years time from now I'll look back and do the same math to realize I was getting paid over $100k an hr to work in a factory because I was smart and saved in Bitcoin.

Yeah... I couldn't imagine anyone else smart doing that math after Saylor pointed it and thinking my same thought experiment.

Might wanna buy your self a little bit and hang on for the ride cus this may just catch on quickly

Submitted December 12, 2023 at 02:45PM by Bitbuyer313 https://bit.ly/41j11HK

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