Saturday, 1 August 2015

I'm Ashley Barr, A.K.A "Adam Turner", the first Mt.Gox employee, and alleged DPR (:/). AMA

I was hired by Mark in June 2011 to help him handle the crazy inbox at Mt.Gox during bitcoin's initial rally. In January 2012 I was asked to become Mt.Gox's CEO, a process which led to my dismissal in May 2012. My statement along with other ex-employees have led the Tokyo Metro Police's arrest on embezzlement and "illegal manipulation of accounting"

We plan to eat pizza in front of Mark while he is in Prison...

Ask me anything.

Edit: I haven't logged into this account since I left Mt.Gox. I have A LOT of hate mail between now and then... sorry to all those people who reached out that I had no chance to respond to. I feel and echo your frustrations.

Submitted August 01, 2015 at 06:40PM by MtGox_Adam

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