I offered to give my friend and his sister half a bitcoin each for free, which he seems really keen to take (obvously its free money).I visit this guy a few times a week, we have a sit outside and have a cigarette and a chat for about half an hour.Now for the last week each time i go over there i ask him if he has downloaded the coinbase wallet yet so i can send him his money and he keeps saying he hasnt had the time as if he thinks its going to be some daunting and technical process.Grrr this frustrates me so much! Iv told him its simple, all he has to do is download an app. Iv said "dude, just hand me your phone and it will take a minute or so, i would have been done already in the last 5 minutes iv been here" but still no.People are so afraid of something new that they wont even download a damn app from the play store and receive $200 (AUD) of free money!! This just baffles me.This is going to take a long time but once people realise how easy it is (and will continue to get easier) they will wonder why they were so afraid of it.It is also alot easier for people to be against something if they think the process of using it is some shady and daunting task, like "who the hell would want to use that?""Umm, only like everyone in the world because its awesome, easy and works better and faster then the money your used to"In time. via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1IanTuC
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