To celebrate the last week end of August (end of summer holidays in France), Ledger has decided to organize a small competition where you can win a Ledger pack of 5 products.
The 3 winners (each receiving a full pack) will be the ones with the closest guessing of the Bitstamp USD price this Sunday at midnight PDT (or Monday 9AM CEST).
The prizes:
3 Ledger packs, containing each the following items:
- Ledger Nano Duo Strap: a Nano + a wearable
- Ledger HW.1 Multisignature: 3x HW.1 for a multisig scheme (compatible with Coinkite and Copay)
- Ledger Unplugged: a NFC card for mobile use (compatible with Mycelium and GreenBits)
- Ledger OTG: to use the Nano or the HW.1 on an Android phone (compatible with Mycelium and GreenBits)
- Ledger Starter: a bootable USB with an air gapped Linux to securely initialize or restore a Nano/HW1
Picture of the full pack:
All packs will be shipped via UPS on August 31st, so we'll require your name, address and phone number for the delivery.
- to participate, post a message containing your price estimation (ex: "230.10 USD"). This is your estimation of what the Bitstamp USD price will be at Sunday August 30th midnight PDT.
- only one estimation per user, and only accounts existing before this post will be taken into account (to avoid spam).
- only estimations posted before Sunday August 30th 3PM PDT (Sunday midnight CEST) will be taken into account (we'll save a copy of all participations at this time, further edits will be ignored)
- in case of a tie (same estimation), earliest post wins.
- you can post questions of messages with your estimation, this won't void your participation; just refrain to post more than one estimation
We have asked for and got the authorization of the /r/bitcoin mods before posting this competition here.
Good luck everyone :)
Submitted August 29, 2015 at 06:13PM by murzika
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