Friday 29 April 2016

LET THEM CALL IT BLOCKCHAIN...(inspired by a youtube speech of Andreas Antonopoulos)

This is the last art piece I made inspired by Andreas (as alwasy ;-P ) and financial technology companies wants to disrupt their industry from the inside out and embrace the revolution...]Bitcoiner: 😳🤔Really? Great! Let me tell you about bitcoin! 💥OPEN, DECENTRALIZED, INNOVATIVE, WITHOUT BORDERS...Radical disruption!💥Banks: 🙄Well...we said disruption, but we didn't mean THAT kind of disruption...How about we take this massive decentralized completely open, borderless, network centric, uncontrolled, without intermediaries and...we add a bit of control, centralized it a tiny bit, maybe throw some KYC in there...and rename it "the blockchain"?!? And now we can invest into it!Bitcoiner: 😧😑😕...Let them call it "blockchain"... via /r/Bitcoin

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