Saturday 30 April 2016

Today, I did the right thing.

I feel really good about this, and just want to tell the world. I think it serves a purpose to remember to stay true to your values and to remember a little honesty and patience goes a long way.Here is what happened… about 15 or so days ago a family member thought they were ‘helping’ me by disputing all my BTC purchases because, obviously BTC is the devil /s I managed to lock said family member out of all my shit and was left a little broken. One particular trader on LBC got hit hard with this and I didn’t get to it fast enough to stop the chargeback.On top of that my bills hit and drained my account of any chance at repaying this individual for the chargeback. It was a long and painful process and took me 2/3 weeks to collect up the funds required to pay this user back. I had originally purchased .357 BTC at $175 awhile back from this user and that transaction was now in dispute. Today I sent them 0.445 BTC or $200 worth of BTC. This merchant showed a huge amount of understanding, patience, and kindness towards the issue and I still feel badly it even happened in the first place, but I’m SO proud/happy to have been able to return what was rightfully theirs & then some!I hope I don’t come off sounding uppity. I just need to tell someone & anyone in my real life would kill me if they knew what just went down. So, you all get to be my sounding board!Maybe there is hope for people! via /r/Bitcoin

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