Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Why are there small moves after big jumps in bitcoin difficulty?

It's my understanding that bitcoin difficulty is adjusted after 2016 blocks have been processed and that the objective of adjusting is to standardize this process to 14 days: If there is an abundance of mining power, this takes less than 14 days and the difficulty is increased, if mining power decreases, it takes longer than 14 days and the difficulty is decreased.

Why then, are there days in the time series of bitcoin difficulty where the difficulty changes two days in a row? It seems like there's always a day in between major difficulty jumps where the difficulty changes for just a single day. Is this an issue with time zones where this information is being snapshotted from? Is this source of data incorrect? Is this to bridge the gap to ensure that difficulty is reset every 14 calendar days given the deviation from the intended 14 days based on global hash rate?

Submitted December 28, 2016 at 11:06PM by Lazilox

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