Tuesday 30 May 2017

Day-2: Here are combined contacts for Kraken. If everyone who reads this takes just 2 minutes to communicate their support for BIP148, we will be a force they can't ignore.

You can read about my full rationale here, but essentially (shills aside) we all believe in UASF - if we coordinate our efforts and pick one major wallet/exchange per day and bombard them with demands to support BIP148, we can make a real impact. Yesterday was Coinbase and it went great. Today let's target Kraken.Here, I've made it easy for you:Tweet to them.Send them an email.Write to them on Facebook.Tweet at their CEO, Jesse Powell.Ideally do all the above.Let them know you support BIP148 and segwit. Let them know their users risk losing all their bitcoins if they do not. If you are a customer, let them know that you will withdraw all your funds unless they commit to supporting BIP148. Be polite, but firm.No-one is asking them to support bip148 in exclusion to the legacy coin, we're only asking that, come August 1, they list bip148 coins, to give users the option to trade them. Supporting BIP148 is very low cost, so let them know how important it is to users.If you've been out of the loop and don't know what all this BIP148/segwit/UASF business is about, to put it simply: Segwit is a technical change to the protocol that will provide a long-term solution for scalability, decrease transaction fees and stop ASIC Boost (a mining trick that gives some an unfair advantage). As (some) miners benefit tremendously from the status quo, they have blocked implementing Segwit. UASF/BIP148 is a new way to implement Segwit.I highly recommend the following links to educate yourself more fully:https://www.uasf.cohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjZk7N7RXfAhttps://www.weusecoins.com/uasf-guide/https://medium.com/@lukedashjr/bip148-and-the-risks-it-entails-for-you-whether-you-run-a-bip148-node-or-not-b7d2dbe85ce6https://medium.com/@elombrozo/why-i-support-bip148-4b4c0a9feb4d via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2qxTanw

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