Tuesday 30 May 2017

Remember: only 3-5 million people will ever hold at least 1 BTC

There can only ever be 21 million people on this planet that will be able to hold 1 whole BTC. If you consider the large exchangers, early miners and whales (just the top 500 addresses hold 4 million BTCs alone, that's not counting the big holders who split into many addresses) I imagine the general public will only be able to get a hold of maybe maybe 8 million BTCs AT MOST. Of those, many will hold more than one. So, I imagine only 3-5 million people on earth will ever hold at least 1 BTC - ever. Considering 7 billion people, you're going to be one of the lucky ones.

Blast from the past... http://bit.ly/2qtGJx9

Submitted May 30, 2017 at 07:46AM by rutkdn http://bit.ly/2revMfY

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