Tuesday 30 May 2017

The scaling issue and resolution seems sooo simple

Ok I'm by no means a bitcoin expert so please have sympathy and correct me if I'm wrong, but simple maths...

1MB blocks = 7 transactions per second (roughly) 10MB blocks = 70 tps 100MB blocks = 700 tps 1000MB = 7000tps

when will the increase stop? 10MB? 100MB? No more like 300-1000MB every 10 min.So the bloat to the blockchain for having visa level tps(2000-56,000+ tps) would be so massive there would be no full nodes to run the blockchain except for big players willing to add like 300MB every 10 min...centralizing the network to its death with the enormous packs of data. 2MB debate is retarded because it's just gonna get filled almost instantly...It's obvious we need layer 2 solutions like lightning network( which needs segwit to run well). Why are we delaying this simple simple answer with politics? There is no way in a million years can Bitcoin work without 2nd layer solutions. Its sad to see such a positive technology that can change the world be blocked by greed and ego, and politics. Am I missing something here???? Pleeeaaase tell me if I am, cos I'm no expert but it just seems so simple

Submitted May 30, 2017 at 04:39PM by vipasi911 http://bit.ly/2rjjtkx

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