Wednesday 31 May 2017


I've got some server boxes, GPUS, etc. and I wanna mine some bitcoin instead of running game servers and whatnot. I don't really care much about profit; like any good nerd we do it for fun! HOW DOES ONE BEGIN?

I've tried to read through posts, but most of it is all talk! A lot of 'google it' or 'go read that thing' or 'don't bother unless you're in China' and not very much of 'download this distro' or 'compile these packages' and certainly no 'try out these tools for maximizing hardware utilization and hashrate'. Even the sidebar is mostly cautionary tales, or very specific information and discussions that are only relevant if you're already doing all the things.

Anyone able to provide less coffeeshop banter, and more technical expertise?

Submitted June 01, 2017 at 02:37AM by AlexanderGlasco

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