Wednesday 31 May 2017

Some comments on the BIP148 UASF from the bitcoin-dev meeting

  • sipa - my opinion is that it would go against our principles to merge BIP148 into core
  • jtimon - as said on the mailing list I think bip148 is rushed and that makes it risky
  • gmaxwell - luke-jr: I haven't seen the kind of support required to justify your position on that; afaict so far no exchange or payment processor of note has said they would stick with 148. I think you'd have an argument if there was any of that, but right now I think it's hard to distinguish a subsanstive level of support. (And I've seen some clearly malicious parties pumping support for it too.)
  • morcos - At the end of the day I think most of us have no interest in greatly increasing the risk of a devastating currency split. I think 148 does that..
  • gmaxwell - luke-jr: there is a big difference between saying 'businesses get to decide' and saying that the fact that virtually no industry participant is resolute with 148 is a strong sign the support isn't significant enough.
  • jonasschnelli - You can't measure "community"
  • sipa - luke-jr: ... my expectation is that every economically relevant full node will revert away from bip148 code hours after the hashrate fails to adopts it
  • gmaxwell - I think it's (148) a very poor and needlessly risky approach.
  • sipa - luke-jr: i think you're insane
  • paveljanik - luke-jr, in reality, it can even be much worse. People could signal UASF but not enforce it.
  • luke-jr - great, now we get ad hominems as argument
  • sipa - luke-jr: apologies for the ad hominem... but i believe your argument it nonsense
  • BlueMatt - luke-jr: would you like me to buy you a plane ticket so you can talk to people?
  • BlueMatt - I'd be happy to.. you spend too much time on reddit and not talking to real people, I think

Submitted May 31, 2017 at 10:14PM by CoinCadence

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