Friday 1 September 2023

Is renting your living space better than buying when you take bitcoin into consideration?

Everyone always says that BUYING is better than RENTING in terms of real estate because you build equity in the house.Problems with buying:Maintenance (time consuming, time is more valuable than money)Property tax (you own the land up until you don't pay property tax. Then your land is seized)​Let's assume this scenario:Person has 50 years left to live.Person has no wife or kids.Person wants to die with zero because there is no one to pass on the assets too.Person thinks time/convenience is more valuable than money. If this person only has 20,000 more days to live, he wants to spend his time golfing and traveling on boats and swimming in coral reefs, not fixing sinks and furnaces.Any money earned is invested into bitcoin. This person assumes over the long term, bitcoin's %growth will outpace real estate and SP500.​Is renting better for this person? With renting, there is no maintenance responsibility which frees up time and mental energy which this person is valuing over money because he wants to die with zero, since no one will be there to inherit. via /r/Bitcoin

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