Thursday 30 November 2023

If a 5 year university degree costs say $35,000 tuition plus accommodation/food/gas….. am I better off just buying 1 Bitcoin today, hodl for 5 years and get a degree later?

Help me, any advise please?I hear post graduation salary is like $25,000 pre tax and thats if a grad is lucky enough to land a job somehow. Post tax is like $20,000. And this is all only happening 5 years later after getting the degree. Thats 2029 after another halving and Bitcoin will be like $1mSo should i just get 1 Bitcoin instead of 1 degree?Advise please. via /r/Bitcoin

Where will Blackrock buy bitcoin?

when the etf is approved, Is there a certain crypto exchange that will receive lots more traffic? Will BlackRock be buying bitcoin through a certain exchange? Like Binance or coinbase?

Submitted November 30, 2023 at 01:15AM by g0gg1n5

MicroStrategy Acquires Additional 16,130 Bitcoins and Now Holds 174,530 BTC

Submitted November 30, 2023 at 09:55PM by ObviousGG

Jack Dorsey Helps OCEAN Decentralized Mining Pool Raise $6.2M via /r/Bitcoin

Wednesday 29 November 2023

Self Custodial Lightning Wallets

Submitted November 29, 2023 at 05:54AM by Fiach_Dubh

SEC Investigating Binance for Fraud Similar To FTX via /r/Bitcoin

New FUD just dropped - Bitcoin uses too much water

Seems like the “Bitcoin boils the oceans” FUD is running out of steam (pun intended) so it’s being replaced by “Bitcoin will cause everyone to die of thirst” instead. Looks like de Vries is back at it again… via /r/Bitcoin

Mystery new Bitcoin whale buys another 612.5 BTC acquiring a total of 11,005.82 Bitcoin in just 29 days! via /r/Bitcoin

Monday 27 November 2023

Bitcoin closing in on 1 billion all-time transactions.

Currently at 926,903,765 per the Clark Moody dashboard:

Continuing to build an impressive track record.

Submitted November 27, 2023 at 09:56PM by MrBones2k

I built the world's first Bitcoin-focused analytics terminal so you can view market data, on-chain analytics, network stats, and adoption metrics all in one place. Feedback welcomed.

Hey everyone, my name is Alon and I'm happy to share with everyone the Newhedge Terminal! It launched a couple of months ago and is gaining traction quite steadily in our beta phase.The entire terminal is focused on showing bitcoin-only data and allows you to create an account, set alerts, comment on metrics, chat with users, and see some top-notch data that would otherwise be behind a steep pay wall, or thrown across a bunch of weird websites.Check out some of the data we show and you can see the entire Terminal here for free trading volumeBitcoin real-time network difficulty estimatorGlobal Bitcoin node map showing geographical locations of listening nodesThis subreddit's subscriber count overlayed with price. See that big bump in mid-2023? That's the ETF hype. We have so much more data in the Terminal and coming in the future. Hope everyone finds this useful and signs up to keep updated with how the project evolves.​ via /r/Bitcoin

Ex-NYSE President Tom Farley: “Money Will Flood” Into Bitcoin

Submitted November 27, 2023 at 10:17PM by No-Comparison-9307

Ex-NYSE President Tom Farley: “Money Will Flood” Into Bitcoin via /r/Bitcoin

Sunday 26 November 2023

Senator Cynthia Lummis explains that in the future Bitcoin will be the apex saving technology. She believes it will serve as a global reserve currency amongst a basket of goods. 🤯 via /r/Bitcoin

If Bitcoin is the "future" why aren't all millionaires and billionaires lining up and buying most of the quantity?

Genuinely curious. Surely, hedgefunds, black rock, vanguard and state street which has some of the smartest/best investors would be whaling all the bitcoins.

Submitted November 26, 2023 at 03:44PM by New_Citron_1881

Buckle up. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.

I see the beginnings of the biggest hockey stick ever seen. Little did we know, it started in 2014, and has been quietly gaining momentum since. 2017 and 2020 were just nerves. Stay tuned boys and girls. The party is just getting started.

Submitted November 26, 2023 at 04:58PM by Ok-Advantage-1895

I missed the opportunity to buy in 2019 and I am having the same dilemma now.

In early 2019 bitcoin was trading around 3400-3500 USD and I remember it was my son’s birthday in January and I had money to buy a whole bitcoin. I remember I spent a few days thinking whether or not I should buy him one bitcoin on his birthday, put in a hard wallet and just let it sit until he turns 18. Unfortunately I did not buy and I still can not believe to this day. Fast forward 5 years I am in a similar situation. In January 2024 it will be his birthday again. Although bitcoin is now 10x more expensive but on the positive side I am also in a financially sound position compared to what I was in 2019. I also earn few times more than what I was earning in 2019 and its pretty much same for me to afford a 38000 USD bitcoin now vs a 3500 USD bitcoin back in 2019. Regret of not buying in 2019 is overwhelming and I dont know if I should buy now or let it pass again. If I let it pass I may see a 350k price in few years again. Any suggestions to overcome my hesitation to either buy or let it pass would be appreciated. Thank youOn an additional note: I do hold some amount of BTC and some top 20 altcoins. I am not a no coiner. via /r/Bitcoin

Saturday 25 November 2023

As a larger community, can we please stop being SO desperate for adoption that we are willing to platform any idiot - so long as they signal our mere existence?

WBD VivekYou really do have to hand it to Vivek. It’s not often that you come across someone who so thoroughly enjoys the smell of his own farts. Maybe the only one who could possibly top Vivek in that department is our big orange wet boy himself. The level of complete delusional arrogance he displays, while at the same time demonstrating a total lack of understanding of how the system actually works is very impressive. Maybe the clearest tell to this community is his admission that he is a $hitcoiner and when pressed jokingly on that his retort is that we're all "purists." Anyone here who believes that if given actual political power Vivek wouldn't take the very first opportunity to leverage the fiat system to enrich himself (he's already done that for years) at the expense of placing the rest of us in a 1000-year CBDC digital prison; then please do contact me because I've got a bridge to sell you. The blowhard sure does know how to talk the talk doesn't he?In all seriousness people - Bitcoin is NEUTRAL MONEY. It is for you and your enemies. That means when massive charlatans like Vivek or Ted Cruz grift about Bitcoin, our collective response should be: "Thanks but Bitcoin DOES NOT NEED YOUR ENDORSEMENT." via /r/Bitcoin

Are we already in a bull run? via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin Hashrate 480,000,000,000,000,000,000x Per Second via /r/Bitcoin

Friday 24 November 2023

Risks of being a public bitcoiner

I love that there are so many public figures that create podcasts, books and educational videos about Bitcoin.

But how do these people handle risks associated with being known bitcoin promoters? Bad actors can assume that these individuals hold significant amounts of Bitcoin.

How do they protect themself from theft of seed phrases, threats, assault/torture, extortion, or other terible acts that someone could be motivated to perform in order to gain access to their wallets?

Isn't it really risky to talk in public about bitcoin under your full name?

I ask since I am considering starting a youtube channel in my own language as a side hustle. Although this would probably not make me famous overnight, I would be worried about these things if it became a success.

Submitted November 24, 2023 at 07:44PM by BlackSabbath5

Why your business should accept Bitcoin via /r/Bitcoin

To all the new people

Obviously seen a lot of bullish activity in this sub and as usual it’s brought on a lot of “I’m new to btc but I want to buy £400 worth” type posts.

And I assume these people have seen the news and want a piece of the action without having any understanding of historic prices and just how volatile BTC can be.

So this is just a healthy check in to say:

  • you haven’t missed the boat
  • there is no rush to accumulate
  • we may not even be in a full on bull run currently
  • Only invest money that you are 100% certain you’re not going to need for at least a year
  • Research about why the halving happens, supply and demand economics, historic Btc price etc because if you don’t and btc crashes your gut Instinct will be to sell and you won’t have any information that suggests that isn’t the best idea.

Just please be careful people its not all sunshine, this sub has been relatively dead since the last crash and is only now picking up again, very easy to feed your biases here.

Submitted November 24, 2023 at 07:10PM by JDRB99

Exchanges the SEC won't Sue via /r/Bitcoin

Thursday 23 November 2023

The narrative is shifting.

Submitted November 23, 2023 at 07:51PM by BitCypher84

Should my wife invest 20 k in Bitcoin right now?

Hey folks, i talked to my wife yesterday and we had a discussion about investing 20 k into bitcoin. Im not sure about the timing, i for myself dcad the whole last year untill now. What do you guys think? via /r/Bitcoin

What do Investing subreddits have against Bitcoin?

Occasionally I will see a post in r/personalfinance r/investing or r/ETFs or something similar where I feel it is reasonable to recommend bitcoin for the explained situation. I friendly say that I think they should research into bitcoin as a small allocation hedge for their situation and I just get downvoted into oblivion. I just wish people were more open to Bitcoin. I was speaking with a friend yesterday and we were trying to come to a conclusion on why people hate Bitcoin. Maybe because they know it’s the best performing asset in the past decade and they missed it. I still don’t understand why you would decide to hate it and reject any mention of it though. I wish I could educate Bitcoin haters but they wouldn’t listen. What are everyone’s thoughts on this? via /r/Bitcoin

I drunkenly bought $4500 of bitcoin last night.

Am I gonna be ok?

Submitted November 23, 2023 at 10:07PM by i_say_fuckin

Tuesday 21 November 2023

DCA forever?

What is your perspective on DCAing for the future? If BTC continues to rise, will you still keep buying in, or are you waiting for the next bear market to continue buying? For example, if BTC hits $80K, you would have to put a large amount of cash in to see any ROI. Thoughts?

Submitted November 21, 2023 at 11:29AM by VFFC-

Rate my Portfolio via /r/Bitcoin

Monday 20 November 2023

That looks delicious to me via /r/Bitcoin

Perfect first date

Submitted November 20, 2023 at 11:18PM by BitCypher84

Why the ETF isn't "priced in"

Bitcoin is priced in the market. The market is bids. In this example is bids for a rare item. Any auction house knows the price is dependent on the size of the bank accounts of clients in room. Selling a very rare items to a room full of billionaires will mean you will get a higher price for the item than if you sold it to a local school bake sale. That why the most expensive things sell in special high net worth auctions. You want people who can pay most all with access to our bid each other on an item that is rare. Rare means a limited supply. The ETF moves bidding for bitcoin from eBay to Sotheby's... You can't price that in. We go from a room of people where the majority of the room buy with 100's to a room where the majority will buy with 1,000,000's. That is why EVERYONE is excited to see the ETF, even those sitting in the high net worth room who want to buy but currently can't bid. They are very keen to buy at higher prices and force all the small fish out of the market. via /r/Bitcoin

Perfect first date via /r/Bitcoin

Sunday 19 November 2023

Current Hashrate - 659.5 EH/s

Submitted November 19, 2023 at 08:45PM by kynek99

Coinshares Believes BTC Could Soar to $265K Upon ETF Approval

Submitted November 19, 2023 at 10:32PM by No-Comparison-9307

Daily Discussion, November 19, 2023

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!

If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.

Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions.

Submitted November 19, 2023 at 02:05PM by rBitcoinMod

Coinshares Believes BTC Could Soar to $265K Upon ETF Approval via /r/Bitcoin

Saturday 18 November 2023

Can someone explain this fee breakdown?

Submitted November 18, 2023 at 02:08AM by obeya

Lightning: can't deposit btc

Hi all,I never used Lightning before and I am struggling to deposit funds on a Lightning wallet I just created.Each time I am trying to withdraw btc from Kraken to my new Lightning wallet created, the funds don't arrive on Lightning and are automatically returned to my Kraken account.Basically, I created a new wallet on Phoenix (iOS), generated a Lightning invoice in the app, and used it as "destination address" on Kraken (Lightning network is selected on Kraken). Kraken accepts the withdrawal and marks it as "pending". However, after a couple of minutes, the funds are back on my Kraken account - they never appeared on my Phoenix wallet.I also tried with Wallet of Satoshi and Muun wallets and I have the exact same problem.I tried to find people experiencing the same, watched Youtube videos about how to use Lightning etc. but I could not find any relevant information for my problem.What am I doing wrong here?Thanks for your help! via /r/Bitcoin

The Dutch Central Bank just said the thing CBs never say: the secret of their gold position lies in the fact that when the collapse happens, its value will automatically skyrocket. Next question: how much is enough BTC for a CB to have?

Submitted November 18, 2023 at 05:26PM by Bitcoin_Maximalist

Friday 17 November 2023

Time to get downvoted into oblivion!

We need to start making the transition from talking about Bitcoin to talk about Sats. We are already there for most but when 1 bitcoin truly becomes ridiculously expensive it will be Sats that people will be stacking. via /r/Bitcoin

Asked AI what's next for BTC and this is what I got...Does it know something here? via /r/Bitcoin

Thursday 16 November 2023

Stop bashing on the beginners

Ok everyone, we all know what’s about to start if you’ve been into bitcoin for more than a couple of years. All the beginners are going to come out asking about bitcoin and how to invest etc etc. I would please ask everyone of two things:

  1. Please don’t immediately bash them. I’m already reading all of these “fckn noob” “get out of here” comments. Please stop. How to do expect bitcoin to grow without the new comers during a bull run, please stop. Understand that you were new at some point too. Educate without the attitude.

  2. Understand that a lot of these beginners are not going to understand all of the concepts of bitcoin right away. They might not understand how a cold wallet works and just want to throw a few hundred bucks into bitcoin just to test the water. This is OK! Point them to something more digestible like cashapp or PayPal while they learn how bitcoin actually works.

I’m just saying, bitcoin is actually quite complex and give people the space to learn about it. Just yelling at them isn’t the way.

Submitted November 16, 2023 at 09:36PM by SpaceToadD

Bitcoin newbie here. What's your thoughts on investing in bitcoin? Has the time passed, I have a spare 1k a month to buy bitcoin

No text found via /r/Bitcoin

69%, an all-time high, of the Bitcoin supply hasn't been active for over a year.

Submitted November 16, 2023 at 06:24PM by Bitcoin_Maximalist

Sell Bitcoin to buy back at lower price via /r/Bitcoin

Wednesday 15 November 2023

Sunday 12 November 2023

Moody US Credit Rating Downgrade: US Rating is Now “Negative” via /r/Bitcoin

Saylor at Australia Crypto Convention: Bitcoin to 10x Soon via /r/Bitcoin

If it makes them feel better

Submitted November 12, 2023 at 10:16PM by Le_Muskrat

Shamir's Secret Sharing Question

So I recrntly came across this: and I think it's a great idea. Basically a clever way to split your keyphrase (or password) into X parts and require Y of the parts to come together to get back your phrase.My usage would be to take the wallet phrase I have currently offline in a secure location and turn it into 4 parts that require any 3 to get together to get the wallet back in the event of a disaster like house burns down and your wallet backup is lost. One would replace my current full phrase in secure store, another would be hidden somewhere else I know, another in a locked store in my office, and another in my relatives safe. If any one of these is compromised or lost I start over and repeat. The main purpose of this is to protect my hardware wallet and seed phrase from combined failure, which can happen since I keep them in the same place at the moment!But my question is how do you secure being able to access the decryption. There are various options online to do a Shamir, but they don't seem to work with each other. So if I encrypt a simple phrase with one site, I can't take it to a different one and decrypt it. Am I being dumb? This feels like a point of failure -- ok disaster strikes and I get my phrases together to save my wallet... but oh sorry the method you used to encrypt it no longer exists... Don't worry you downloaded the source code, right? Well what if the computer it's on also no longer exists (same fire?) I suppose keep a backup of the source code in the cloud but maybe in ten years it no longer even runs because the software has moved on or your cloud server is no more??How do we get around this? Am I over-worrying? :D via /r/Bitcoin

Friday 10 November 2023

So Who Bought? 🤔

Submitted November 10, 2023 at 09:56PM by freddiemack1

Bitcoin on Reddit: A three-act comedy via /r/Bitcoin

What is your main reason to hold and accumulate bitcoin?

Hello guys. Title says it all rlly. Thoughtful and explained points very much appreciated!

Peace and love 💕

Edit: just woke up, didn’t think I’d get this many comments. Thank u everyone 🙏

Submitted November 10, 2023 at 04:27AM by sambrown1066

Thursday 9 November 2023

Im so glad i DCA for last 2 years

People who were too scared or didn't want to invest when BTC was 15-25k are now praying for price to go down to 30k so they can "fomo in".In 2 years when BTC goes above 100k(maybe yes, maybe no) there will be guys who were to scared to "fomo in" when BTC was at 35-40k. Congratz to all who have been DCA for last 2 years. I was one of them, it wasn't easy though but i glad i did. After buying at 58k in 2021, after almost 2 years of DCA my average is now 24k. It feels good.. I know we're probably still going down a bit after this pump but its good to see some green and overall optimism😁 via /r/Bitcoin

Happy "Shitcoiniversary" to everyone ❤️

Submitted November 09, 2023 at 04:45PM by HuntAltruistic4390

tHe EtF iS aLrEaDy PrIcEd In via /r/Bitcoin

Wednesday 8 November 2023

Whole coiners

A lot of people seem worried that they won't make it into the 21 million club in time and are feeling the fomo, but this is irrational. There is nothing inherintly special about 1 bitcoin, it just happens to be where the decimal point ended up. If 1btc was a million sats for example the whole coin fomo wouldnt happen yet but later on. If you have a small stack, focus on the number of stats. That's what you really own via /r/Bitcoin

Just about the dumbest reply to a paperless currency being "a bit like online banking" via /r/Bitcoin

Supplier of Over 40,000 Merchants in El Salvador Now Accepts Bitcoin

Submitted November 08, 2023 at 06:27PM by BitCypher84

Interview with the guy who orange-pilled Saylor via /r/Bitcoin

Tuesday 7 November 2023

How will mortgages work in a bitcoin world?

Buying a house is generally a good investment because even without any appreciation on the value of the house, the cost of the mortgage payment will become less (over 30 years in the US) as inflation eats away at the value of the dollar or other fiat currencies. Using round numbers a $500 dollar monthly mortgage payment with 5% inflation will be the same as $107 payment in 30 years.

But if the world moves to bitcoin and the value of bitcoin is always rising the cost of that mortgage payment will be constantly going up. So to purchase a house the value needs to be constantly going up at a rate that exceeds the increased value in bitcoin.

Won't the interest rates that banks need to be worth the risk be insanely high to the point no one will be able to get a mortgage?

Submitted November 07, 2023 at 03:01AM by r2d2overbb8

How to be okay with not having enough

I want to get as much BTC as possible but with my current income I’m not able to put much into BTC. We all know it will be 6 figures one day. How am I supposed to feel okay knowing it will hit 6 figures and I don’t have even 0.1 BTC yet. via /r/Bitcoin

Never Forget

Submitted November 07, 2023 at 08:12PM by BitCypher84

One of the best responses ever to an anti Bitcoin question via /r/Bitcoin

Monday 6 November 2023

PSA: Keeping Bitcoin on exchanges.

If you are keeping your Bitcoin on any exchange then you do not own any Bitcoin. What you do own is third party risk or counter party risk, you are allowing an exchange to hold your value for an IOU. If you’re old enough you learned from Mt. Gox, if you’re young enough you should have learned from FTX. Exchanges can go bust, rug you completely, force you to sell at any price or time, or be fully co-opted by a government or state entity. Your funds can be frozen or your account locked for any reason they want to make up. A primary attribute of Bitcoin is that it obsoletes third party risk and allows you to store and transfer your own value without permission. Take advantage of this and get your bitcoin off exchanges! Not your keys, not your coins. via /r/Bitcoin

FTX fraudster Sam Bankman-Fried is facing 100+ years in federal prison

Submitted November 06, 2023 at 11:45AM by Ornery-Honeydewer

Bitcoin Miners Go Into Overdrive, Hash Rate Sets New ATH via /r/Bitcoin

Sunday 5 November 2023

Bitcoin is preferrable than real estate in third world contries

I am from a third world country. Here government is shit. Recently I am facing a issue with a paddy land that I own. Last week I got a letter saying I am not allowed to do any work on my land due to someone else is claiming that this is their land. I went to the DO office and submitted all the evidence and registration detail and asked the documents from counter party. Counter party does not have any document. They just complained and thats it. It looks like the DO is trying to get some bribe from me by forcing me to not to work on my land just by using this complaint. I will never give a penny to this DO. But I am really pissed and sad at the same time. Now I have two option i stop all the works at my land until this DO change his mind or he gets a transfer. Or I should start a court case which will end after like 3 generations. Today I prayed god that bitcoin should succeed. I imagine a world where bitcoin rules and these lazy low lives like this DO should be forced to do actual work to eat rather than sucking others blood. Buying land is really risky in third world countries. Here anyone who has political influence can easily pluck it from you. I will never buy a land here I will only buy bitcoin. via /r/Bitcoin