Friday 24 November 2023

Risks of being a public bitcoiner

I love that there are so many public figures that create podcasts, books and educational videos about Bitcoin.

But how do these people handle risks associated with being known bitcoin promoters? Bad actors can assume that these individuals hold significant amounts of Bitcoin.

How do they protect themself from theft of seed phrases, threats, assault/torture, extortion, or other terible acts that someone could be motivated to perform in order to gain access to their wallets?

Isn't it really risky to talk in public about bitcoin under your full name?

I ask since I am considering starting a youtube channel in my own language as a side hustle. Although this would probably not make me famous overnight, I would be worried about these things if it became a success.

Submitted November 24, 2023 at 07:44PM by BlackSabbath5

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