Thursday 2 November 2023

What the hell happened here?

Bought BTC on coinbase and transfered it to my hardware wallet as ussual. It said network fee around 0,00002 bitcoin.Now when i look into my hardware wallet it says the fee for arount $300 worth of BTC is over $200. Around 0.006 BTCThe transaction is confirmed (3) and my account shows me exactly all my bitcoins are there expect the 0,00002 i paid in fees.Still my wallet says fee is 0.006What the hell is wrong here??Only reading comments by the way. No private messages.EDIT: solved. Thank you all for being so fast. Never noticed / knew this and all my other transactions showed fees in a range from $2 to $6 in my wallet. So maybe my first batched transaction ever. via /r/Bitcoin

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