Thursday 2 November 2023

Evidence of Main Street BTC adoption!

I have been buying and holding bitcoin since 2014. Other than a few small early trades as I was just learning about Bitcoin’s immense value, I have only bought and been reluctant to part with any of my stack. I had basically committed to only parting with some of my precious bitcoin if I could actually spend it to make my life better, or donate some to help others. I am always polite and respectful about it, but whenever I have a larger project being done on the house (new roof, new patio, basement remodel….etc) I offer to pay for all or a portion of it in BTC. This year I am having my kitchen remodeled. My contractor thanked me for bringing it up. He said that he has been wanting to get some bitcoin for many reasons, but had yet to take the time and budget to put some of his personal wealth into bitcoin. He said that my offer was just the motivation that he needed and agreed to take half of the payment for my project in BTC! Just like that a newbie bitcoiner is born, BTC is further adopted as a means to store and transfer value, and even though it is somewhat painful to let go of BTC that I have held for 10 years, I am excited that my wife and my family get to see that it is helping to make our lives better! In other news….I’m still holding the rest of my stack, and my daily DCA purchases continue! via /r/Bitcoin

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