Sunday 5 November 2023

Bitcoin is preferrable than real estate in third world contries

I am from a third world country. Here government is shit. Recently I am facing a issue with a paddy land that I own. Last week I got a letter saying I am not allowed to do any work on my land due to someone else is claiming that this is their land. I went to the DO office and submitted all the evidence and registration detail and asked the documents from counter party. Counter party does not have any document. They just complained and thats it. It looks like the DO is trying to get some bribe from me by forcing me to not to work on my land just by using this complaint. I will never give a penny to this DO. But I am really pissed and sad at the same time. Now I have two option i stop all the works at my land until this DO change his mind or he gets a transfer. Or I should start a court case which will end after like 3 generations. Today I prayed god that bitcoin should succeed. I imagine a world where bitcoin rules and these lazy low lives like this DO should be forced to do actual work to eat rather than sucking others blood. Buying land is really risky in third world countries. Here anyone who has political influence can easily pluck it from you. I will never buy a land here I will only buy bitcoin. via /r/Bitcoin

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