Friday 30 October 2015

Should I get into mining?


I am a college student in Canada who has a few thousand dollars saved up. my parents cover my tuition (6k/yr) and rent (10K/yr).

For the next 4 (probably 5 if I include co-op/internship) years, I am going to live on residence. That means electricity is already included as a fixed cost in my rent.

So I was looking to get into mining. I just like the idea of producing small bitcoins everyday. (even if it's like 0.5 cents per day.)

So I was thinking of buying two of these:

That would cost me around 700 dollars with PSU after taxes.

That's almost 1/4 of my money saved.

Now, I won't need any huge sum of money for the next 4 years. I have a secure job at my school that pays $360/month. So even if I lose that $700, it's not the end of the world.

But ofc, I wouldn't like to lose my $700. As much as I am interested in bitcoin mining, I don't want to spend $700 if that means I am not breaking even.

What do you guys think? do you guys think I should try them out? Should I buy just 1 first? How hard is it to set them up anyway? I have no hardware experience and I heard somethings about using paperclips for the PSU so it can operate without a motherboard. It seems pretty daunting and makes me worry that I'll break them.

I want to buy them but I really need some other peoples opinions before I spend so much money on this! The most expensive thing I have bought is probably a $30 kitchen knife.

Submitted October 31, 2015 at 08:23AM by GawkingHat

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