Monday 1 May 2017

r/bitcoin recap - April 2017

Hi again everyone!

I’m back with the fourth monthly Bitcoin news recap.

For those unfamiliar, each day I pick out the most popular/relevant/interesting stories in r/bitcoin and save them. At the end of the month I release them in one batch, to give you a quick (but not necessarily the best) overview of what happened in bitcoin over the past month.

You can find the full version with the links to all discussions & articles on so that this post doesn’t get auto-moderated for spam.

This month I went back in time and made an overview for October 2016 too.

A recap of April 2017 in r/bitcoin

  • 01: The Lightning Network is used for the first time on Bitcoin’s testnet to buy beers in Berlin & Bitcoin logo’s remain on Reddit’s r/place April fools pixel drawing war all day & Bitcoin becomes an official method of payment in Japan without consumption tax
  • 02: Someone hacked major mining operations from Antpool, ViaBTC and BTC.TOP
  • 03: Blockstream reveals new privacy tech ‘Confidential Assets’ & Bitfinex fully repays all clients that lost money over their 2016 exchange hack
  • 04: Thailand’s billionaire ex-prime minister holds a bitcoin book & A discussion on the risks involved in the new Extension Blocks proposal to scale Bitcoin & Litecoin is within 10% of activating SegWit, possibly allowing the Bitcoin network to see how it goes in practice beyond the testnet & 1Hash mining pool speaks out against Bitcoin Unlimited
  • 05: Bitcoin to be accepted at 260k stores in Japan by the summer & Nick Szabo and Amir Taaki share their thoughts on the scalability debate
  • 06: Gregory Maxwell uncovers a mining exploit in Bitcoin’s proof of work which won’t work if SegWit is activated & Bitmain’s official response
  • 07: Further information about Antpool and the ASICBOOST exploit
  • 08: Someone posts a guide on how to create a full node with network statistics & price using a Raspberry Pi3
  • 09: Samourai Wallet supports a user-activated soft-fork of BIP148 & Pools against SegWit on Litecoin begin to significantly increase their mining power to block activation
  • 10: A contributor to the user-activated soft-fork BIP does a Q&A
  • 11: At least 3.7M BTC has been gambled & Russia is considering to legalize Bitcoin by 2018
  • 12: SegWit will likely be activated on Litecoin with over 75% hashpower signaling for it & Samson Mow becomes Chief Strategy Officer at Blockstream & Microsoft Office can verify documents on the Bitcoin Blockchain
  • 13: operators boycott Bitcoin Core and Blockstream
  • 14: Gregory Maxwell says he doesn’t support the BIP 148 UASF because it is rushed
  • 15: F2Pool starts signalling for SegWit and Extension Blocks & The general public is made aware that the SWIFT global banking system has been hacked by the US government
  • 16: Bitcoin gets on one of Snapchat’s front pages & An interesting conversation between F2Pool’s Wang Chun and Bitmain’s Jiang about hardforks and UASF’s
  • 17: A backdoor is found in the Large Bitcoin Collider client & Bitcoin is growing rapidly in India and business will soon get regulated & Bitfinex halts all money deposits
  • 18: F2Pool formally announces support of SegWit on Bitcoin
  • 19: A presentation on the harmfulness of turing completeness for blockchains & Bitcoin Core’s lead maintainer shares test results on Virtual Machines & After Bitfinex, OKcoin also halt their USD transfers due to bank problems
  • 20: The Indian government is looking to grant legal status to Bitcoin & Why LTC1BTC is not signalling for SegWit
  • 21: Litecoin miners agree on activating SegWit & Lessons for Bitcoin from the bubble
  • 22: Bitcoin Core 0.14.1 is released & The operator of BTC.TOP mining pool begins to signal for SegWit on his Litecoin pools
  • 23: Malta approves a national strategy draft to embrace Bitcoin & The Bitfinex price is $100 over other exchanges and reaches a new all-time-high
  • 24: A 1.7MB block with 8885 transactions is mined on the Bitcoin testnet with SegWit & Bitcoin Unlimited nodes go offline due to a bug
  • 25: SegWit usage becomes completely optional for miners in Bitcoin 0.14.1 & Winklevoss COIN ETF decision is re-examined by the SEC & Jimmy Walles from Wikipedia reaches out to the Bitcoin community for Wikitribune
  • 26: A backdoor is revealed in Bitmain’s antminers which can be used to remotely shut down miners & Chatlogs reveal that Bitmain/Antpool and BTC.TOP have a hidden reason “without just cause” to block SegWit adoption at all costs & Bitcoin passes $1300 again
  • 27: Bitmain releases a fix to the “Antbleed” vulnerability & Someone is spending $500K per month to try to get Bitcoin Unlimited adopted
  • 28: Bitfinex paid back clients that lost money from the hack with accounting tricks
  • 29: Andreas Antonopoulos on conspiracy theories & Bitmain’s latest firmware fix still has the same issues and more
  • 30: Wife of a Bitcoin entrepreneur in Brazil is kidnapped and ransom is requested in bitcoins

Special shout-out this month to all the awesome people that are ensuring we have more than a few dozen nodes in the world. <3

Submitted May 01, 2017 at 09:47PM by SamWouters

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