Sunday 31 December 2017

bitcoin.conf for solo mining

I've done this a long time ago. It never was a problem. Nowadays I don't get it to work. Would be great to get some help:

My bitcoin.conf looks like this:

server=1 rpcuser=bomtom rpcpassword=secret rpcallowip= rpcport=8332 

If I point my miner to a pool via

./cgminer -o stratum+tcp://some.pool:8332 -u bomtom -p secret --api-listen --cs 9 --stmcu 0 -T --diff 12 works just fine.

If I point my miner to my own bitcoind however via

./cgminer -o stratum+tcp:// -u bomtom -p secret --api-listen --cs 9 --stmcu 0 -T --diff 12 doesn't work and just throws:

 [2018-01-01 04:14:10] Probing for an alive pool [2018-01-01 04:14:20] Waiting for work to be available from pools 

Is there anything wrong with my bitcoin.conf? My chain is up to date and bitcoind generally works.

Submitted January 01, 2018 at 11:18AM by bomtom1

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