Sunday 31 December 2017

Looking to mine about 10 dollars and quit, could you help me find my best option?

I have a GTX970 and a I5 processor on a normal desktop computer. I know mining isn't really worth it unless you buy rigs etc but just for curiosity's sake I'd like to know any advice you can offer me. I tried kryptex and it mines about a dollar a day, I also tried nice hash and for some reason it couldn't detect my gpu. I know of winmer as well but hear the payouts are the lowest, what options are there as far as bitcoin miners go. And what steps could I take to optimize it (just curious). I know how to minimize processor use, I know keeping good temps is important and I clean my computer regularly but outside of that is there anything that makes mining more efficient? Would love to hear from anyone any knowledge they can share : ) Thank you for reading

Submitted December 31, 2017 at 04:05PM by leprerklsoigne

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