Sunday 31 December 2017

Interested in starting ASIC mining, but have questions...

I've read in a few subreddits that commercial mining is driving up the difficulty of mining pools and therefore make it so your calculated hashrates are not being realized, so you do not make nearly what you expected. Is this ringing true at the moment, or is there still money to be made with home ASIC mining (assuming your internet connection is good and you are in an area with cost-effective electrical hookup).

For example, I'm considering buying a few of the 13 Tera Hash / s ASIC miners, and the online profitability calculator is saying that this should yield approximately $1000 USD per month in profit (per unit, factoring in cost per kWh).

How likely am I to get that calculated amount out of it? My understanding is these ASIC machines have only a 1 year (maybe slightly more with proper cleaning and cooling) life expectancy, so how long before the typical home user earns back their investment?


Submitted January 01, 2018 at 05:00AM by Rymanbc

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