Monday 28 February 2022

The Russian Ruble is down 30% in one day. Everyday citizens who had nothing to do with Putin’s decision are having their assets frozen and are unable to conduct business. Don’t EVER let them tell you that fiat is “safe”, it is everything but.

The past few weeks should be all the evidence you need that fiat is on its way out and crypto is the future.

The ruble is in shambles.

People are having their assets frozen.

People are being prevented from sending and accepting money for business.

People are finally waking up to see fiat is a joke, magic paper that can be stolen and lose all its value in a short amount of time, guaranteed to lose all its value over a long period of time.

Submitted February 28, 2022 at 10:42PM by UsernameIWontRegret

"The computer can be used as a tool to liberate and protect people, rather than to control them. Unlike the world today" — Hal Finney, 17 years before receiving the first bitcoin transaction

Submitted February 28, 2022 at 10:50PM by DocumentingBitcoin

I traded all my crypto into BTC

I just traded all my crypto into BTC.With all the uncertainties going on in the world right now, i ditched my alt-coins into BTC, i lost around 2k USD in that process because my altcoins were down but i think this might be the turning point for BTC now more and more people hedge their money of banks into BTC. via /r/Bitcoin

Fiat money is a weapon of war

Submitted February 28, 2022 at 07:31PM by KAX1107

"The computer can be used as a tool to liberate and protect people, rather than to control them. Unlike the world today" — Hal Finney, 17 years before receiving the first bitcoin transaction via /r/Bitcoin

Sunday 27 February 2022

“Bitcoin is getting even dirtier”. Extreme FUD is back.

Submitted February 27, 2022 at 11:55AM by Playful_Magazine8427

Just take a break and look at what's happening.

Fellow stackers

It seems like everyday something insane is happening in our space. The problem with this is that in the speed of the moment, we sometimes not clearly see how significant certain events are until we can reflect on it and call it history.

Most of us are already used to the fact that El Salvador, a country, made BTC legal tender, Canadian's freedom uprise is till getting funded even though the goverment has activated the most strict financial laws most of us have ever seen a goverment do in our lives. The Ukrain war is getting millions of dollars funded via the most trustless and secure network in the world. Large hedgefunds all over the world are not hiding their interest for the hardest form of money either. And let's also not forget the dreadfull global inflation that will most certainly not stop anytime soon.

Today the EU announced that Russia will be thrown out of the backbone of legacy finance system SWIFT. Never ever had Bitcoin in it's short lifetime seen a chance of a major economic power risking a bankrun like this. Let that just sink in.

The internet is getting flooded with reports of people already trying to get their share of wealth out of the system, and the biggest bank of Russia already capped the max withdraw to 20 bucks a day to not risk insolvency.

These type of events, as we all know, was the reason Bitcoin was created. The people who will eventually take biggest hit by this will (as always) be the ordinary man and woman. Keep that in mind. Whatever scenario will play out, it will take a long time to play out and will probably someday be taught to kids in school.

Just take a moment to appreciatie Bitcoin and what kind of good things it has brought the world. No matter what your political colour is. The beauty is that Bitcoin doesn't have a political bias either.

Stay safe folks.

TLDR: Take a minute to think about all the crazy stuff that's happening and what kind of power and inlfluence a piece of program called Bitcoin actually has on this world.

Submitted February 27, 2022 at 05:50PM by Supperdjdodo

Fix the money, fix the world

I grew up in Vietnam, from kindergarten, we were taught the glory of defending “American invaders”, protect our country and independence and shed blood to win the war. We sing our anthem weekly from elementary school: “The path to glory passes over the bodies of our invaders”. We were taught to use and maintain an AK47 at the ripe age of 15. The soldiers lost to wars are called heroes.

Only when I am an adult and living in the UK do I learn that there are two sides to every story. Most of the time, no mother from either side chooses to send their children into the meat grinder that is war. High level politician all think they are right and broadcast to their citizens their version of the story. When they are comfortably insulated in their castles, sons and daughters of others lose their lives in the thousands to one ideology or another.

I don’t know when human will realize that governments are just corporations with monopolies on money printing and wars, and that we could have a better system, in which governments are just service providers and facilitators, not dictators and overlords.

It took me a long time to realize that the “fix the money, fix the world” bitcoiners are not crazy. Opting into Bitcoin is opting out of the system government controls. By taking their ability to print unlimited money and steal unlimited values from citizens, we could also cut off the fundings to their war machines.

Few understand this!

Submitted February 27, 2022 at 09:37PM by JunoKat

Bitcoin pools should NOT block Russian users. The entire point of the network is to be decentralized regardless of current situation.

Miners are what keep the network alive. Regardless of the current situation the network should not be degraded or disconnected for Russian users.

Russian civilian's don't want a war. It's unlikely Russia government is using the BTC network anyway.

I too take Ukraine side in this disgusting act by Putin but we must maintain integrity of the Bitcoin network.


To clarify it has been reported that some cryptocurrency pools are blocking access to Russia. This is not solely limited to just BTC.

Edit 2

Just to be clear. I know exactly how the network works. I'm stating freely and clearly that all pools should remain online and active for everyone and not to impose any restrictions as to retain the integrity of crypto currency.

As a pool owner you should NOT be making choices based of political decisions that may deliberately prevent end users from using the service.

Submitted February 28, 2022 at 12:07AM by FredrickandNeval

So which one of you plebs was the guy who donated 4.2069 BTC to Ukraine? via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin pools should NOT block Russian users. The entire point of the network is to be decentralized regardless of current situation.

Miners are what keep the network alive. Regardless of the current situation the network should not be degraded or disconnected for Russian users.Russian civilian's don't want a war. It's unlikely Russia government is using the BTC network anyway.I too take Ukraine side in this disgusting act by Putin but we must maintain integrity of the Bitcoin network.EditTo clarify it has been reported that some cryptocurrency pools are blocking access to Russia. This is not solely limited to just BTC. via /r/Bitcoin

Saturday 26 February 2022

Apple Pay and Google Pay block cards issued by Russian banks

Submitted February 26, 2022 at 11:51AM by bitsteiner

WATCH: Bitcoin Can Be Used For Cyber Defense Says Michael Saylor. Meanwhile Ukraine Receives Over $4 Million in Bitcoin For War Defense. Even Putin Can't Stop Bitcoin. via /r/Bitcoin

Official Ukraine Twitter just tweeted this

Submitted February 27, 2022 at 12:52AM by ufcstats

Polish PM: Hungary supports ejecting Russia from SWIFT international payments system. Europe has the vote! via /r/Bitcoin

77% of family offices are interested in or are involved in crypto. Bitcoin is securing generational wealth, literally.

Submitted February 26, 2022 at 06:43AM by DocumentingBitcoin

Official Ukraine Twitter just tweeted this via /r/Bitcoin

Locations for Bitcoin ATMs in Romania for my Ukrainian brothers and sister crossing the boarder trying to bring their wealth via Bitcoin with them via /r/Bitcoin

Friday 25 February 2022

Bitcoin Donations To Ukrainian Army Surpass $4 Million via /r/Bitcoin

We could be on the verge of a big shift. Now might be the final chance to front-run nation states.

Ukraine's military is receiving Bitcoin donations. This is going to go down in history as the beginning of decentralized, crowdfunded nation state warfare.

Last week Canada displayed Bitcoin's use-case for individuals. This week, financial sanctions against Russia and crowdfunded military funding will display Bitcoin's use-case for nation states.

Crowd funded physical warfare & sanctions avoidance will not be positive PR for Bitcoin. Expect more FUD from media outlets condemning cryptocurrencies.

Whether justified or not, we're seeing the acceleration of legacy financial access cutoffs for individuals, corporations and nations. Everyone's acknowledging Bitcoin as a solution. The cat's out of the bag. The IMF & WEF are fighting a losing battle. Even the anti-Bitcoin crowd sees what's happening and is acknowledging it. Regardless of the amount of negative PR to come, Bitcoin will keep doing what it does.

Russia might be the turning point where nations need to FOMO into BTC if they want to have any wealth 10 years from now. Authoritarian countries like China will be asking themselves whether it was a good idea to force Bitcoin miners, companies and holders out of their country. If fiat currencies keep slipping the last thing you want is for the real money to flee your country and circulate amongst your enemies.

The best strategy for a nation could be to amass as much Bitcoin as possible now and default on their foreign debts later. That's when central banks and fiat currencies die.

It's going to be a very volatile market and a geopolitically volatile world for a while if things play out this way. This isn't the way I want to see BTC reach mass adoption, but it's a possible we're on the verge of a big shift. Regardless of how media might portray this, Russia/China/Iran/North Korea/etc. all buying bitcoin in an attempt to get ahead is a better outcome than launching nukes. And getting rid of central banks is the light at the end of the tunnel.

Submitted February 25, 2022 at 08:41AM by huge_dingus

European Parliament Postpones Vote on Crypto Regulations Indefinitely via /r/Bitcoin

Wait for it... via /r/Bitcoin

Danish reporters in Ukraine buy used car with Bitcoins as all cash has been withdrawn from the ATM's

Submitted February 25, 2022 at 10:01PM by Geblaka

MSM decides that crypto isn’t valuable in wartime. Using the same old “crypto is for gangsters and criminals”.

Varney and Co. Talking about how it wasn’t helpful. I can’t imagine being more aloof. Crypto is about the only thing they have to hang on to that won’t betray them at this moment. Absolutely crazy how some people don’t get it. Spread the word folks the eyes of the world are upon bitcoin. via /r/Bitcoin

What the F**k is Robinhood doing? Real Bitcoin price is sitting at 38000, and it’s just doing this…

Submitted February 25, 2022 at 10:59AM by LovelyMara1

Over $4m of BTC has now been donated to a Ukrainian charity ❤️ via /r/Bitcoin

Thursday 24 February 2022

“Harshest Sanctions Ever,” EU to Freeze Russian Assets and Stop Russian Bank Access to EU Markets | AP News

Submitted February 24, 2022 at 10:27PM by s3k2p7s9m8b5

BTC price instantly dropped massively when governments gave vague hints about possibly stopping inflation somewhen in the future. Now the world is going to war - what will not only not stop inflation, but rather drive it up to new heights. Aaaaaaand BTC drops further…

Still holding my BTC. But I don’t understand those f***ing markets. via /r/Bitcoin

Temporary inflation fee...

Submitted February 24, 2022 at 08:59PM by fastbitcoinsHenry

Lightning Labs (developers of LND) trying to kill open source and hijack the protocol

There has been recent upheaval within the lightning community about the behavior of Lightning LabsFirst, @L0laL33tz raised the issue that Lightning Labs was associating with the World Economic Forum and others who are behind the Great Reset plans. Here are the main threads.Opening salvo, Clarification, Doubling downThis all seemed fishy, but then things got worse: many open-source developers came out in the open, airing out frustrations they have had with Lightning Labs over the way they have been engaging in the open-source space. The short version is that LL has been using the tried and tested “embrace, extend, extinguish” policy towards killing open-source.EEE’s playbook is to enter product categories involving widely used standards, extending those standards with proprietary capabilities, and then using those differences in order to strongly disadvantage its competitors.Here are the main tweets: From ACINQ, RustyTwit and BlueMatt (bonus)We need to root out Lightning Labs, stop using LND, and move towards alternative implementations like C-Lightning. via /r/Bitcoin

Last week I saw a tweet from the Kraken CEO and immediately ordered a hardware wallet via /r/Bitcoin

“Harshest Sanctions Ever,” EU to Freeze Russian Assets and Stop Russian Bank Access to EU Markets | AP News via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin Balance Sheet Opportunities With VBB via /r/Bitcoin

Wednesday 23 February 2022

Mexico’s Third Richest Billionaire Says Buy Bitcoin, Forget About Selling, You’ll Thank Me Later - simply buy Bitcoin and HODL

Submitted February 23, 2022 at 09:04PM by CoinCorner_Sam

How do I wash my Bitcoin?

So I’ve been stacking for a couple years now, pretty much only buying through Coinbase. With the recent attempts of regulation in both the US and Canada, I want my crypto to be truly anonymous. How should I go about moving my Bitcoin from my current wallet to a non-kyc exchange so that I can “wash” it? Should I transfer to USDC first? I know if I cash it out and re-enter, that will probably trigger the IRS and that’s the last thing I want. Any and all advice is welcome. via /r/Bitcoin

Some good 'ol bitcoin PR 👍

Submitted February 23, 2022 at 11:22PM by GodBlessYouNow

Valkyrie Investments launches protocol Treasury Management Service to Blockchain Projects via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin is the "freedom test"

Any politician, political party, or government that is against or even ambivalent about self-custody of bitcoin is anti-freedom and anti-democracy. Period.

Whining about environmental concerns, money laundering potential, etc is just misdirection. Don't fall for it. This test is simple. This test is accurate.

If you are going to vote, make sure you know where your candidate or party of choice stands on this issue.

If there are no candidates/parties who pass the test where you live, you know the system is rigged and you need to either a) demand better options or b) exit the system you are in.

Submitted February 23, 2022 at 09:14PM by Apprehensive-Log-849

Some good 'ol bitcoin PR 👍 via /r/Bitcoin

Mexican senator is convinced that Bitcoin should be legal in Mexico via /r/Bitcoin

Tuesday 22 February 2022

Which one of you is up skiing this week?

Submitted February 22, 2022 at 10:13AM by An3wbis

Magic internet money

Submitted February 22, 2022 at 03:33AM by healkiller

Well, it has been a long hard slog but I am finally a whole coiner!

Been buying the dips as much as I could and finally reached my goal of owning 1 BTC. Now on the the next goal of owning 2.

Submitted February 22, 2022 at 10:59PM by chastjones

How to Invest in Bitcoin: A Beginner’s Guide via /r/Bitcoin

Be mentally ready.

With Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine, the U.S and EU are imposing financial sanctions on Russia and will essentially attempt to exclude them from the international economy. I think Russia's response to this is pretty obvious and telegraphed, they are going to embrace Bitcoin so that their oligarchs and members of government can continue to transact internationally. Hopefully their citizens are also allowed to use it without too much regulation, but not holding my breath. We've already seen the draft bill of this, and now more than ever they have a justification to accelerate this. I don't know whether it happens in the next three weeks or next six month, but it appears to me that the course is set. Putin has been yearning to invade Ukraine ever since 2014, but the financial sanctions that would ensue were probably enough of a deterrent. Up until now. Putin now has an alternative, and he seems to have gained enough confidence in Bitcoin's decentralized and uncensorable attributes to use it to circumvent the international dollar system.The reason for this post is to remind people that if/when Russia does this, you might want to reconsider how open you are in public about being a Bitcoiner.If Russia adopts Bitcoin, the legacy media and politicians are going to very quickly shape and pressure public opinion into believing that Bitcoin is to blame for Russia's sudden immunity to financial sanctions. They will call it a dictator's weapon and the reason why their financial warfare tactics are no longer effective. It could even get so bad as to a minority of media claiming that Bitcoiners are colluding with the Russian state. Stuff like "The only reason why you own Bitcoin is to transact with the Russian state" or " Anyone promoting Bitcoin is promoting Russia". (Writing these easy to predict quips makes me feel physically sick).I personally have nothing but hatred and disgust for Vladimir Putin. He has shown on countless occasions that he is a psychopathic tyrant who uses force to coerce millions of people in doing things that are beneficial to him and detrimental to them. He is a net negative for humanity.However, Bitcoin is a neutral technology that is available to all. To dictators and freedom fighters alike. What each person decides to do with that tool is fully their responsibility and has nothing to do with the tool itself. For example, if it weren't for Bitcoin, there would not be any political opposition in Russia in the first place. Just as Putin can benefit by adopting Bitcoin, he can also be tremendously harmed by it.Bitcoin is apolitical. I know that everyone in this sub understands this. But the majority of people do not. And I'm afraid that the topic of Bitcoin is about to get disgustingly politicized. If this is the case (I really hope I'm wrong), then you might want to reconsider how open you are about being a Bitcoiner.The decision will be 100% yours. Some will be defiant and brave enough to take on the senseless criticism heads on. Others will prefer to self-censor to avoid the emotionally draining societal pressure. Every person will know for themselves what the best course of action depending on their unique set of circumstances.Be mindful that full scale social and political ostracization can be mentally very, very tough.All I'm saying is to that it´s probably a good idea to decide ahead of time how you are going to act in case this likely scenario does indeed play out. This way you can minimize any regret.And, I can only hope that this amazing community will continue to be a refuge for divergent and politically alienated people. Whatever you decide to do, I feel confident in saying that Bitcoiners will keep on having each other´s back. via /r/Bitcoin

Canada's OSC Warns Crypto Exchanges Not to Promote Self-Custodial Wallets: Report

Submitted February 22, 2022 at 05:47PM by Bitcoin__Hodler

Bitcoin not "Crypto"

Submitted February 22, 2022 at 02:59PM by gabridome

Well, it has been a long hard slog but I am finally a whole coiner!

Been buying the dips as much as I could and finally reached my goal of owning 1 BTC. Now on the the next goal of owning 2. via /r/Bitcoin

Monday 21 February 2022

"I still can't believe that this is the protest that would prove every Bitcoin crank a prophet. And for me to have to slice a piece of humble pie, and admit that I was wrong on crypto's fundamental necessity in Western democracies." David Heinemeier Hansson - Creator of Ruby on Rails via /r/Bitcoin

We will all be bank free soon.

Submitted February 22, 2022 at 12:15AM by angrysatoshi

Checking transactions on the blockchain explorer yesterday and captured a wallet purchasing $500 million of Bitcoin... via /r/Bitcoin

Is this huge for adoption news for us or is the government tying to make appreciating tax dollars? Either way, is this good or bad for crypto ?

Submitted February 21, 2022 at 11:58PM by hopeolivia

Is this huge for adoption news for us or is the government tying to make appreciating tax dollars? Either way, is this good or bad for crypto ? via /r/Bitcoin

JUST IN: KB Bank, South Korea’s largest bank is set to launch a #Bitcoin and #crypto ETF

Submitted February 21, 2022 at 03:03PM by moneymonster420

The President of the Bitcoin nation el Salvador to offer citizenship for foreign investors via /r/Bitcoin

Sunday 20 February 2022

“Okay. So your bank account is frozen” Bitcoin starter pack via /r/Bitcoin

Fix The Money via /r/Bitcoin

There is a massive PsyOp going on to poison the public perception of Bitcoin.

They’re here. They’re trying to divide the community, splinter it, make it easier to control. Be vigilant.

This will be downvoted but much like the saying “The Revolution will not be televised”, “The truth will not be upvoted”

Be vigilant friends. Bitcoin is not political. Bitcoin is for everyone.

Submitted February 20, 2022 at 11:57PM by dirtsmurf

Reminder: when the financial crisis hits, exhanges won't be able to pay staff to operate. Get your crypto into a private wallet!

No text found via /r/Bitcoin

New Bill Aims To Introduce Bitcoin As A Legal Tender In California via /r/Bitcoin

I finally understand Bitcoin.

I finally understand the purpose of Bitcoin. About two weeks ago I recently won a little bit of money gambling and couldn’t transfer it to my bank, I could however withdraw it in BTC and was just going to set up an account on Coinbase and withdraw it when it hit. I didn’t know anything about BTC or crypto (and I still know very little) and after this price drop I started panicking a teeny bit and was confused. I found the subreddit and started browsing it and I realized, Bitcoin isn’t about making a profit or a quick buck, it’s a slap in the face to the government and banks who think they can control every aspect of our life. It’s a slap in the face to people like Trudeau who thinks they can freeze our accounts because we don’t comply to their every demand.

Thank you all for showing me the real meaning behind crypto and BTC. Going to invest a little more and get a cold wallet soon. F the Gov n F the greedy ass banks.

Submitted February 20, 2022 at 11:44PM by projectoar

There is a massive PsyOp going on to poison the public perception of Bitcoin.

They’re here. They’re trying to divide the community, splinter it, make it easier to control. Be vigilante.This will be downvoted but much like the saying “The Revolution won’t be televised”, “The truth will not be upvoted”Be vigilante friends. Bitcoin is not political. Bitcoin is for everyone. via /r/Bitcoin

$38,225. 📈 via /r/Bitcoin

Saturday 19 February 2022

Time to get off exchanges?

I’ve been waiting to feel the need to get my coin off exchanges, and now we’re there.I’m struggling a bit to find the best method that will work for me.Issue with the Ledger or any hardware wallets is that it becomes a single point of failure? If I lose it or it breaks or it goes through the dryer, I am shit-out-of-luck? If I really needed to, I could do this but it doesn’t seem like a convenient option. The code also isn’t open source, so I’m effectively trusting another 3rd party?paper wallets actually seem the easiest because I can be creative about where I save my private keys in various locations and have no reliance on a single piece of hardware. Issue is that there’s this weird need to generate a new address every time I spend less than my full balance? Weird, but if I just plan to save my BTC for many years, I could go this routeDigital wallet like BlueWallet. Open source and I can hold custody of my coins and private keys. Downside is they could theoretically be hacked because it’s digital? Is this a real risk - I guess I’d be more worried about censorship than hackers of open source system.Apologies for my lack of understanding. I’m trying to fully appreciate the technology and the implications of each decision. What is the best way to learn how the entire bitcoin ecosystem is structured?Thank you via /r/Bitcoin

Explaining Bitcoin to my dad

Trying to simplify for my dad who is a farmer and it finally clicked.1) your money isn’t on your phone or a “thumb drive.”2) the blockchain is your bank and your phone/thumb drive is your wallet just like the leather billfold in your pocket.3) you can take all your real cash out of the bank and put in your leather billfold wallet but if you lose your cash or you are robbed you’re shit out of luck.4) if you lose your phone or thumb drive, you just get a new one and put in your seed phrase. Your digital cash is always WAITING for you. And there will be ways to convert BTC to dollars if needed.5) you can send that btc to Pete’s farm up the road and no bank or government can stop you. It will cost you a few cents.6) a satellite phone could work even if you lose internet.7) if the internet goes down world wide that’s why you stockpile bullets. But, there are copies of the block chain in space. You money will be always waiting.8) you could be stripped naked and thrown in prison or leave your house with nothing - if you memorize your seed, you carry BTC in your head.8) There will only ever be 21MHe’s reply: Wow. That’s how the family has always looked at buying land (we have 2,000 acres) but you can’t pay for anything with it. You cant live/graze animals/grow anything on BTC but it sound like digital land with different benefits.Bingo via /r/Bitcoin

People are barely hanging on, but you heard the man…buy Batman comics instead of Bitcoin! 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 via /r/Bitcoin

I’m going to help my husband live his Bitcoin mining dream

I’d like to first add that I don’t know much about Bitcoin mining but I’m learning. My husband has been investing for several years and I was skeptical at first.

He has always talked about how he’d love to Bitcoin mine on a small scale. Around December, I told him we should do it. Our current home would sell for a great price, we’d move to a state with the best energy rates (Arkansas is our choice). We’re going to buy a much less expensive home with land, pay for it almost in full with the equity from our current home and buy 11-12 machines to start with the remaining equity.

We’ve already calculated everything - the energy costs in the area we’re purchasing in and how much profit we’d make as well. We wouldn’t be living luxuriously, especially with two young children, but it would be enough to pay the bills and my husband to not need to work anymore.

I’m nervous about this new adventure, but also excited.

If you have any helpful and kind advice, I’d greatly appreciate it :)

Submitted February 20, 2022 at 12:01AM by Beefismyfavorite

"Okay So Your Bank Account Is Frozen" Starter Pack via /r/Bitcoin

Feb 21 2022 - National Bank Run Day

Canadians, our money is not safe in the banks. The government has started seizing funds of people who disagree with them, without trial and without due process. Protect yourself and lets protest this system by withdrawing all our money out of the banks. Take self custody of your own money. For digital transactions we can use Bitcoin, for physical transactions we can use cash and gold and silver. Our protests can take form in multiple ways including economic. But they, the government started this with their monetary censorship. We are just protecting ourselves while also fighting back by boycotting their system.Feb 21 is national bank run day, Stop using the banks, use bitcoin.Spread the word(edit, reddit glitch caused this to post multiple times with excessive duplicates, I deleted the duplicate ones) via /r/Bitcoin

Governments realizing they're too late to exert control over Bitcoin

They smiled and laughed at it when it was young and fragile. Obama laughed it off and presided over bank bailouts and the creation of BTC. Trump was too stupid to understand it and praises the USD. Hillary is smart enough to realize it can demonetize the political class which her meaning is dependent upon, so praises the USD. Biden is an old clown who understands it can interfere with his legacy and makes his money printing ambitions too obvious--a sin he'd like to remain in the shadows.

Unfortunately for the Cantillionaires, 90% of all bitcoin has already been mined, the majority of which is in the hands of individuals like you and I. The last 10% will take over 100 years to mine, the majority of which will wind up in the hands of individuals (yes individuals), companies, and governments that are all mining right now. The reason for this is simple: exponential deflation. The BTC inflation adjustment happens every 4 years (every 210k blocks) and is called the halving, where the coinbase (block reward) halves. It's currently 6.25 BTC per block. That means in 2024, it'll take the same to double the investment of what it costs currently, to make half as much BTC, because of:

  • halving
  • average hashpower increase
  • increasing informational scarcity per transaction
  • the Lightning Network (although this could be offset with both volume and DLC's)

So the only way governments can acquire it more or less is the same way they acquired gold: confiscation schemes. That's why the clowns of Bitfinex hack fame who kept 2000 unencrypted seeds in the cloud are detrimental; it's why people that keep their coins on exchanges are fools; it's why anybody that trades bitcoin (especially with leverage) is a gambling junkie masquerading as an investor; it's why civil forfeiture and three-letter agencies are developing crypto-specific enforcement groups. This is how they plan on funding their future surveillance and enforcement apparati. Governments can't print to acquire bitcoin anymore because that would moon the price of BTC and inadvertently put even more pressure on their central banks and require exponential printing; as BTC is the most free market and hard asset in mankind's 200k year history, it will margin call and suck the value of everything pegged to, or purchasable by it. Consider too, only one or two nation states could dump their gold on the open market for BTC before the price of gold cratered and is demonetized down to its utility value. Hedging to the downside wouldn't even work because gold derivative premiums would put a green candle through heaven's floorboards. Game theory would favor the first 1-2 movers (sellers of gold reserves), before irreparably damaging the 99% of countries foolish enough to hold it.

So in the end they only have one choice: a parallel system, a CBDC.

Submitted February 19, 2022 at 03:33PM by Mallardshead

I’m going to help my husband live his Bitcoin mining dream

I’d like to first add that I don’t know much about Bitcoin mining but I’m learning. My husband has been investing for several years and I was skeptical at first.He has always talked about how he’d love to Bitcoin mine on a small scale. Around December, I told him we should do it. Our current home would sell for a great price, we’d move to a state with the best energy rates (Arkansas is our choice). We’re going to buy a much less expensive home with land, pay for it almost in full with the equity from our current home and buy 11-12 machines to start with the remaining equity.We’ve already calculated everything - the energy costs in the area we’re purchasing in and how much profit we’d make as well. We wouldn’t be living luxuriously, especially with two young children, but it would be enough to pay the bills and my husband to not need to work anymore.I’m nervous about this new adventure, but also excited.If you have any helpful and kind advice, I’d greatly appreciate it :) via /r/Bitcoin

Friday 18 February 2022

Is it okay to have a 100% portfolio allocation to bitcoin?

Ever since 2020, I've been considering selling my Roth IRA and paying the penalties to put that money into bitcoin.

Everyone in the world told me not to do this. Even this subreddit told me not to do it.

But I did it anyway. Just now.

I just don't give a flying fuck. I would rather hold onto that value on the blockchain instead. There's a lot more utility to having it in the form of btc.

I don't care about the fees, I will make the fees back and more.

I don't care if I have to hold for a million years, what tf else am I going to hold?

And that's my point.

What point is there to holding anything else other than bitcoin? ever?

There's nothing more valuable in my opinion, I just can't unsee it.

But everyone thinks I'm crazy. Out of my mind. But I'm convinced I am doing the right thing.

Submitted February 18, 2022 at 04:17AM by ImOnly1in42million

Those mountains via /r/Bitcoin

What are your thoughts on BTC Lending Platforms?

I have been a long-term BTC HODLer since 2017. I don't have much, but I never want to sell, so I buy in $50-$100 increments every two weeks when I am paid.

At one time, I was offered the chance to borrow money from my exchange, but I declined. I considered lending, but I had read that borrowers can and do default, and that borrowers who borrow bitcoin are likely doing so because they have been refused by banks, so I chose not to take the chance. But seeing the large amounts of APY I see on these platforms, I might give it a try.

What are your opinions on BTC lending platforms? And yeah I know the saying “not your keys not your crypto”. But I'm curious as to how other people feel about them and whether the benefits outweigh the risks. Is this something anyone else does to increase their holding? I'm looking for some input.

Submitted February 18, 2022 at 06:41PM by Large_Value_4552

Crypto Market’s Recovery Helps AUM of Valkyrie Investments To Go Above $1 Billion via /r/Bitcoin

14.6BTC successfully, securely distributed directly to 90 trucker protestors!

Submitted February 18, 2022 at 03:19PM by thisbitBrain

Jesse Powell, the CEO of Kraken: "...don't keep your funds with any centralized/regulated custodian. We cannot protect you. Get your coins/cash out..." Not your keys, not your cheese! via /r/Bitcoin

Thursday 17 February 2022

Just a small town boy from Jersey buying every time I can....I have 3 and they aren't getting them 😉

Submitted February 18, 2022 at 03:08AM by onedayatatime26

Ukraine is the latest country to legalize bitcoin as the cryptocurrency slowly goes global via /r/Bitcoin

Russia Goes Bullish On Bitcoin With Proposed Crypto Mining Tax Reduction

Submitted February 17, 2022 at 08:06PM by poomata

Just a small town boy from Jersey buying every time I can....I have 3 and they aren't getting them 😉 via /r/Bitcoin

Sitting back & buying bitcoin is not enough. We need more bitcoiners creating policy & taking on administrative roles. via /r/Bitcoin

Ukraine just legalised Bitcoin

Submitted February 17, 2022 at 11:25PM by ESGombrich

CRyPto gIvEs nO lOngTerM reTuRn.. Also Fiat: via /r/Bitcoin

Canada Blocking Bitcoin Address. How This Can Be Avoided In The Future?

Canadian authorities have reportedly banned companies from working with 34 cryptocurrency wallets associated with the Freedom Convoy, a protest against COVID-19 restrictions.

How this can be avoided in the future?

Edit: When I say blocking, I actually mean banning. The Canadian government has banned some bitcoin wallets from interacting with certain types of financial services. Of course, they can continue to use bitcoins, transact, etc. My question is about to avoid these kind of incident, specifically in fund raising, by increasing privacy

Submitted February 17, 2022 at 09:17AM by DB01488

Ukraine just legalised Bitcoin via /r/Bitcoin