Friday 18 February 2022

Is it okay to have a 100% portfolio allocation to bitcoin?

Ever since 2020, I've been considering selling my Roth IRA and paying the penalties to put that money into bitcoin.

Everyone in the world told me not to do this. Even this subreddit told me not to do it.

But I did it anyway. Just now.

I just don't give a flying fuck. I would rather hold onto that value on the blockchain instead. There's a lot more utility to having it in the form of btc.

I don't care about the fees, I will make the fees back and more.

I don't care if I have to hold for a million years, what tf else am I going to hold?

And that's my point.

What point is there to holding anything else other than bitcoin? ever?

There's nothing more valuable in my opinion, I just can't unsee it.

But everyone thinks I'm crazy. Out of my mind. But I'm convinced I am doing the right thing.

Submitted February 18, 2022 at 04:17AM by ImOnly1in42million

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