Sunday 27 February 2022

Fix the money, fix the world

I grew up in Vietnam, from kindergarten, we were taught the glory of defending “American invaders”, protect our country and independence and shed blood to win the war. We sing our anthem weekly from elementary school: “The path to glory passes over the bodies of our invaders”. We were taught to use and maintain an AK47 at the ripe age of 15. The soldiers lost to wars are called heroes.

Only when I am an adult and living in the UK do I learn that there are two sides to every story. Most of the time, no mother from either side chooses to send their children into the meat grinder that is war. High level politician all think they are right and broadcast to their citizens their version of the story. When they are comfortably insulated in their castles, sons and daughters of others lose their lives in the thousands to one ideology or another.

I don’t know when human will realize that governments are just corporations with monopolies on money printing and wars, and that we could have a better system, in which governments are just service providers and facilitators, not dictators and overlords.

It took me a long time to realize that the “fix the money, fix the world” bitcoiners are not crazy. Opting into Bitcoin is opting out of the system government controls. By taking their ability to print unlimited money and steal unlimited values from citizens, we could also cut off the fundings to their war machines.

Few understand this!

Submitted February 27, 2022 at 09:37PM by JunoKat

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