Saturday 19 February 2022

I’m going to help my husband live his Bitcoin mining dream

I’d like to first add that I don’t know much about Bitcoin mining but I’m learning. My husband has been investing for several years and I was skeptical at first.

He has always talked about how he’d love to Bitcoin mine on a small scale. Around December, I told him we should do it. Our current home would sell for a great price, we’d move to a state with the best energy rates (Arkansas is our choice). We’re going to buy a much less expensive home with land, pay for it almost in full with the equity from our current home and buy 11-12 machines to start with the remaining equity.

We’ve already calculated everything - the energy costs in the area we’re purchasing in and how much profit we’d make as well. We wouldn’t be living luxuriously, especially with two young children, but it would be enough to pay the bills and my husband to not need to work anymore.

I’m nervous about this new adventure, but also excited.

If you have any helpful and kind advice, I’d greatly appreciate it :)

Submitted February 20, 2022 at 12:01AM by Beefismyfavorite

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