Thursday 24 February 2022

Lightning Labs (developers of LND) trying to kill open source and hijack the protocol

There has been recent upheaval within the lightning community about the behavior of Lightning LabsFirst, @L0laL33tz raised the issue that Lightning Labs was associating with the World Economic Forum and others who are behind the Great Reset plans. Here are the main threads.Opening salvo, Clarification, Doubling downThis all seemed fishy, but then things got worse: many open-source developers came out in the open, airing out frustrations they have had with Lightning Labs over the way they have been engaging in the open-source space. The short version is that LL has been using the tried and tested “embrace, extend, extinguish” policy towards killing open-source.EEE’s playbook is to enter product categories involving widely used standards, extending those standards with proprietary capabilities, and then using those differences in order to strongly disadvantage its competitors.Here are the main tweets: From ACINQ, RustyTwit and BlueMatt (bonus)We need to root out Lightning Labs, stop using LND, and move towards alternative implementations like C-Lightning. via /r/Bitcoin

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