Saturday 19 February 2022

Explaining Bitcoin to my dad

Trying to simplify for my dad who is a farmer and it finally clicked.1) your money isn’t on your phone or a “thumb drive.”2) the blockchain is your bank and your phone/thumb drive is your wallet just like the leather billfold in your pocket.3) you can take all your real cash out of the bank and put in your leather billfold wallet but if you lose your cash or you are robbed you’re shit out of luck.4) if you lose your phone or thumb drive, you just get a new one and put in your seed phrase. Your digital cash is always WAITING for you. And there will be ways to convert BTC to dollars if needed.5) you can send that btc to Pete’s farm up the road and no bank or government can stop you. It will cost you a few cents.6) a satellite phone could work even if you lose internet.7) if the internet goes down world wide that’s why you stockpile bullets. But, there are copies of the block chain in space. You money will be always waiting.8) you could be stripped naked and thrown in prison or leave your house with nothing - if you memorize your seed, you carry BTC in your head.8) There will only ever be 21MHe’s reply: Wow. That’s how the family has always looked at buying land (we have 2,000 acres) but you can’t pay for anything with it. You cant live/graze animals/grow anything on BTC but it sound like digital land with different benefits.Bingo via /r/Bitcoin

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