Wednesday 14 October 2015

You are tasked with the unenviable task of telling the rest of your class that Santa Claus does not, in fact, exist. :(

Belief is such a powerful thing. I can still clearly remember back to an age when I thought most kids should have surely grown out of any concept of Santa Claus, and yet there we were in second grade: debating a flying elf.

"My daddy says he's real. Are you calling my daddy a liar?" challenged one boy. Clearly the logical debate had now become emotionally charged.

If you have tried to discuss bitcoin and cryptocurrency with friends and family, you are already noticing a lot of parallels. You see, fiat is Santa Claus for adults. They believe in it because their daddy told them it's real. They see it light up their stockings on the 1st and 15th of every month, and the proof is evident: how else could it possibly happen?

We are faced with the unenviable task of shining light on the lie that has been perpetrated by our 'parents': there is no Santa, and all the gifts are a hoax. A hoax borne out of misguided love, but now it's time for us all to grow up.

Bitcoin is the cold and bitter reality: money isn't anything magical and humanity is not a rock solid mass of trust. Money, especially as it becomes more widely accepted, becomes a metric of just how much humanity does trust each other. And nothing is guaranteed. Nothing is magical: fiat is the flying elf fairytale that makes us all feel good, but the time for make-believe is ending, and you do not want to be the last kid left standing around believing in Santa Claus by the time 4th or 5th grade rolls around.

Here's an article discussing how to deal with the "Is Santa Real" myth for your kids:

Notice this part: "Ask what the child believes. Just because the child is asking questions doesn't necessarily mean that he or she is emotionally ready to believe the truth. Asking, "Well, what do you think?" will give you an idea of where the child is both emotionally and cognitively. If the child still believes in Santa, despite any outside doubts, it's not time yet."

Understand you aren't going to be seen as some champion riding in to save the day; you are going to be seen as an intruder, raining fire and destruction upon their comfortable fantasy of money. Handle the position with tact as you break the awful news to them that fiat does not, in fact, exist.

Submitted October 14, 2015 at 04:12AM by americanpegasus

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