Tuesday 26 December 2017

Because of many years of reading this sub and the advice provided here, on the worst day of my life, I didn't lose my bitcoin.

About 6 weeks ago, I had a house fire. It consumed everything. I did my best to fight it, and when I failed at that, woke my friend up who was staying in a guest room, then gave my all for about 15 minutes to find my cats in the blaze. Ultimately got dragged away by the FD and taken to the hospital. I didn't even think about my bitcoin, as honestly, my cats were all I cared about.

3 weeks earlier, I realized I had a stupid amount of money sitting in a wallet.dat file on my computer, and that I really really should put it on a hardware wallet. So I did. I bought a trezor, loaded it up with my BTC and most other coins I had, and put it in a fire safe:


Here it is. Thanks Trezor. Your product is amazing. The house burned to the foundation, and the firesafe was externally destroyed, but despite the external appearance, inside was a toasted piece of paper with my seed words and this little guy. He was cooked from the heat, and sopping wet from the flood of water they poured on the house (nearest hydrant was a mile away and so it took an hour to start fighting it).

On that day I lost literally everything. Everything I have ever owned in 33 years of life, and my cats. Since that time I've been emotionally devastated, and I'm working really hard on recovering from that. But because of listening to advice on this sub, I had a trezor in a fire safe. I didn't lose anything but some byteball/pivx/dash I had on my desktop computer I forgot to backup. 95% of my holdings since 2012 remain.

Thank you /r/Bitcoin and thank you to the makers of Trezor. That little guy is tough as hell. I dont think its advertised as waterproof but I pulled it from an immersed box sopping wet. I let it dry and here is how it looked after when it worked. I now have two cloned trezors in different locations and a safety deposit box with my seed. Saving my bitcoin and this price rise has allowed us to pay for pretty much everything we need since the event happened.

Please, do not offer any donations to me, I'm fine. If you want to support anything, support the Ferndale Cat Shelter. I'm the president of the charity. We take care of Detroit Strays. My cats had Guinness World Records and did charity events to raise funds for them. Now that they are gone, we lost that revenue stream for the charity. We accept bitcoin locally at the catfe for donations, adoptions and coffee but I wont post that info here.

You'll know when you're there as our old address started with 1Catfe and our new address starts with 1CatCafe =)

Took ages to offline hash that one out!

Anyways, that's the story, thanks again /r/Bitcoin, you made the worst day of my life less terrible.

Submitted December 27, 2017 at 05:39AM by Drwillpowers http://bit.ly/2Cdf20J

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